Sunday, 8 July 2018

RIAT 2018 Preview

The Royal International Air Tattoo has finally come around again. On Thursday Mum, Dad and me will be heading up to RAF Fairford for 3 days of geek heaven. Last year was the first time I went, you can read my blog about it here.

Rather than re-hash last year's blog I thought I would preview some of the aircraft I'll be seeing this week.

Belgian Airforce F-16

The BAF F-16 was one of the highlights of last year's airshow season for me. It stole the show at Eastbourne with it's flares and noise!

At RIAT Fri 14th July 2017

Stealing the show at Airbourne
Canadian Airforce CF-18 Demonstration Team

I haven't seen an F-18 for years so I'm excited to re-acquaint myself with one!

I found this video of the display on YouTube -

The Boeing F-18 display at Farnborough Airshow 2012


The A400M 'Atlas' has been a staple at the larger airshows the last few years. It's incredibly maneuverable for it's huge size and has an impressively short stop and take off.

A sharp wingover on the Saturday of the show

The Norwegian Vampires are a beautiful example of the 1950s jet era. Vampires are one of the first planes I remember seeing at an airshow so they're quite special to me.

The team over the sea at Airbourne 2015

Czech Gripen

The Gripen display was really impressive last year, I hadn't seen one since the early 00's and it was as good as I remembered!

Hopefully the Gripen will have a slightly bluer sky to perform against this year!

French Couteau Delta

The Couteau Delta fly two Mirage 2000s and put on a really good tactical display. I used to see Mirages all the time during family holidays to France - hopefully they'll bring some Mediterranean weather with them!

On the Friday of last year's show
The Mirage also produce a 'sonic shock' during their high speed passes which are pretty awesome!

The French air force also bought their Rafale display to last year's show. They painted it in a lovely colour scheme which managed to shine even through some typical British airshow weather!

Landing over the top of us!

Italian Air Force Frecce Tricolori 

The Frecce Tricolori are world famous for their exciting displays and I'm so glad to be finally seeing them!

The team performing at RIAT 2014

I always really enjoy seeing a Spartan display, it's so maneuverable and energetic. 

Spartan last year

The Flanker was a late addition to last year's line-up and reminded me why I loved them so much. It put on a thunderous display and we were lucky to have it rehearse on the Thursday right over our campsite!

One noisy camping neighbour I won't complain about!

RAF Red Arrows

Last year the Red Arrows opened the show with a flypast alongside the USAF Thunderbirds. I'm really excited to see them for the first time this year!

The Reds & The Thunderbirds

Holding Wings!

Landing next to us


Last year at the show the BBMF celebrated the 60th anniversary of their formation with a display from their Lancaster, Spitfires and Hurricane. This photo is from the Saturday of the show as they were passing low over our campsite.

A few different countries are sending Typhoons this year so I'm really excited to see how the different displays compare to each other!

One of my new favourite airshow moments is nearly getting landed on by a Typhoon on the way into the showground.

One of the aircraft I'm most looking foward to seeing is the F35 the RAF's newest fighter aircraft and is due to take part in the RAF 100 Flypast this week. These shots are from Farnborough 2016 when the F35 made it's UK airshow debut. 

Demonstrating it's hover ability

The Osprey is really cool, it's a turboprop that can shift between foward flight to hovering. It's been massively successful in theatres such as Afghanistan. I enjoyed it's display last year. 

At last year's show

The aircraft I've previewed are just a small percentage of all the planes to see both in the air and on the ground. This year I'm going to make the effort to stay after the show finishes (We're going into the showground on Friday) and have a good look around the static park - at the very least it'll get my steps up for the day!

I'm looking foward to reporting back.

Love Jen


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    1. Thank you very much for your lovely comment. I shall be attending the 2022 show and I can't wait to blog about that! 🥳


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