Friday, 8 June 2018

Is there a feminist way to lose weight?

As some of you my know since the start of the year I’ve been making a real effort to clean up my diet and exercise more. I came to the conclusion that at 30 (now 31 :s) I needed to take better care of myself and was fed up pf feeling fat and lazy when the girls in the office talked about their diet and fitness regimes. So I installed the My Fitness Pal app on my phone set at a 1260 calorie limit a day and bought a cheap 2nd hand fit bit (cheers Karen). So far I’ve lost 2st8 going from 109K in January to 90.6kg thus far.

The question that’s been bothering me is “Is there a feminist way to lose weight?”. Whilst I initially got started by purely wanting to become healthier after my knees, hips and back started aching whenever I hoisted myself out of my chair. Now I’m also focusing on losing weight to look “thinner and prettier” as is my favourite phrase. It concerns me that it’s against my Body Positive beliefs and also a concern that I’m pandering to society’s strict beauty standards.

I constantly rant about the impossible image that as women we are expected to adhere to, have I unwittingly fallen into the cycle of body fascism? I now want to lose the weight to ‘look good’ rather than look after myself and daydream about becoming as thin as I want back in 2011 (I got down from a size 18/20 in Autumn 2010 to a size 12 but Nov 2011) until I promptly piled it all back on when I changed job …… Thus feeling disgusting.

I think the only thing to do is keep reminding myself that it’s my insides and skeleton that counts rather than trying to look attractive.

Plus I’ll finally be able to get into the dinosaur print dungaree dress that I’ve been lusting after from Minimum Mouse!

Love Jen


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