Tuesday, 11 October 2022

On The Hunt For Halloween Chapter 12 - Halloween hair, getting cosy and an Autumnal day out


Hi guys! I'm back with plenty of spooky goodness for you all. In today's blog I'll be showing off my Halloween hair, reviewing Hocus Pocus 2, getting cosy in my Halloween bedding and learning to appreciate Autumn.

First up we have my Halloween hair! I first dyed it orange and green last year (to resemble a pumpkin obviously) and debuted it in this blog. It went pretty well, I ran out of green dye towards the end so it isn't quite as intense as I'd like it but I'm stocked up now and ready to top it up. 


Under construction

As I said, it's not quite as green as I'd like but I'll fix that


My party planning has taken a leap forward, I've ordered some party bag fillers (what's a party without a gift bag?) from October 31st which is a really cool independant year-round Halloween store. I've ordered from them before and the order always comes quickly. 

Spooky stationary

I treated myself to this adorable Haunted House necklace

It looks really cute

My necklace and I went to a Hocus Pocus 2 viewing party with my friends Lydia and Hilary. 

I won't give away too much about the film aside from saying that I really enjoyed it. I know quite a lot of people didn't think it was that great but I don't know why, it definitely has the charm and humour of the original and I liked the glimpse into the background of the Sanderson Sisters. I also really liked the more 'modern' witchcraft elements that were included such as crystal magic and exploring what it means to be a young woman practicing the craft today and the reactions we still receive .......  Plus the spider scene is bloody hilarious 😂

Speaking of magical practice, after Sunday night's full moon it was time to get my crystals and tools in from the windowsill and build my Samhain (Halloween) altar. I like to change my altars for the different Sabbats from year to year (as you can see from last year's) as my tools and workings develop. I feel like my practice has been reinvigorated since my Glastonbury Trip earlier this year and I've learned so much in the few months since I went,truly a magical place. If you'd like me to explain more about my Halloween altar (and prove that witches don't worship the devil) or even more about my practice in general then let me know. 

Before we watched Hocus Pocus 2 Lydia, Hilary and I popped to Sainsburys to get some nutrition (Aperol and Pizza) so I took the opportunity to peruse their Halloween section. It was a big improvement on last year with plenty of Nightmare Before Christmas bits!

Halloween unicorns!

My only complaint was that they had some adorable light-up 'letter' pumpkins but no J's 😓

No J's 😢

I did come away with some bits -

Spooky socks are always a win

I love this cauldron with a plant

It's perfect for my 'Black & White' themed shelf

Hobbycraft's Halloween game is still going strong, they still have a lot of their soft pumpkins (in fact the black pumpkin in the above photo is from last year's range) so I grabbed a couple more at a pound a pop!

They're the perfect size for my TV cupboard

Tesco have put their Halloween range out too and it's not bad. 

I really like the 'Boo' sign but I don't have room for it

This top is cute but just a bit girly for me

They also had some nice 'Autumn' decor -

I got these cute pumpkins that I may add to my altar

Speaking of Autumn I am trying to come around to the 'idea of Autumn'. I normally really struggle at this time of year with summer ending and the connotations of 'back to school' (I explained it in my Autumn Blues blog last year) but most people I know absolutely adore the season. So I commissioned my most Autumnal friends to try and 'teach me Autumn'. I visited my friend Gem's house in all it's Autumn decor glory (and home grown pumpkins), had Autumn drinks with Lydia and Hilary whilst watching Hocus Pocus 2 and got my Halloween bedding out (whilst reminding myself that if it was still 30 degrees I wouldn't need it).

This is from Next (see this blog)

I covered it with this super soft throw from TX Maxx (see this blog)

Yesterday Helen, Mum, Eos and I visited Sheffield Park which is famous for it's beautiful Autumn foliage and it didn't disappoint. There were so many shades of reds, greens and oranges it was truly stunning. Sheffield Park is lovely all year round but even I have to agree that it does come into it's own during Autumn as you can see ....

You get the idea 😉

We like Sheffield Park because (like many National Trust properties) it's grounds are dog-friendly so Eos can come along.

We liked this tree

Plus my hair matched it

Another important aspect of any National Trust property is the cafe, I'm happy to report that Sheffield Park has a most excellent cafe with yummy scones!

Yes that is my jumper from last year

This weekend it's our annual pumpkin-picking trip so until then here's a reminder of last year's fun (and mud).

Stay Spooky!
Love Jen

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