Monday, 23 May 2022

A Beautiful Day In Glastonbury

My favourite spot at the Chalice Well - more on that later

 Hi everyone I wanted to tell you about my amazing trip to Glastonbury yesterday, just as a preface I'm going to be chatting about my Pagan/Wiccan/Witchy beliefs which I know can make people uncomfortable so do feel free not to read on 🤗

Of course I had my regular, handsome travel buddy with me!

As with previous trips I went with Lynn's Travel and although it was a helluva long journey (almost 5 hours) we saw some pretty places along the way. 

Possibly the world's worst photo of Salisbury Cathedral

This is Cley Hill which I thought looked really interesting, then I Googled it and found out that it's a UFO hotspot thus fueling my love of conspiracies .....

When we arrived in Glastonbury we were dropped on the high street which was quite possibly the most colourful high street I've ever seen!

The main reason for my visit was to visit the Chalice Well and as I walked along the lanes I noticed that there were flowers everywhere, in fact I could have used the whole day just snapping all the beautiful blooms just along the lane.

 I just had to stop and listen to the bird song too as it was so loud, this is a Blackbird song which is my absolute favourite. 

As I mentioned above the main reason for my trip to Glastonbury was to visit the Chalice Well. There are so many beliefs around both the Chalice Well and it's accompanying White Spring  (didn't make it there so that's on the list for my next visit) that I won't list them here but the reason I felt so drawn there was for it's sacred divine feminine and healing properties. Unusually for me I didn't take a huge amount of photos or videos partly out of respect to other visitors to the well who were meditating or relaxing and also because I wanted to soak up all of the energy of the place.

I started off at the lower pool and sat in the sunshine with the water flowing over my feet (blooming freezing as it flows straight down from the Tor) and felt an immediate calmness that I haven't felt for a long time and a gentle energy around me. I took the opportunity to cleanse and energise the crystals I carry with me and let the water run over my hands too. 

I went further up to the next part of the well which was shadier and felt absolutely magical, I could imagine Fae looking out from behind the rocks, trees and flowers watching us. The sound of the running water was so soothing. 

I took my tarot cards with me and drew a card at the well and got 'The Empress' which is pretty much the most feminine card you can draw.

The final part of the well is the head. There were a lot of people gathered around so I didn't spend a huge amount of time in that area, instead I went back to the first part which I liked best. 

The well head

Goddess statue where I left my own offering of a cross-stitch design

The water from the well is drinkable in small doses and is very healing so I filled a water bottle but also got a small flask in the shop so that I can share it with Helen.

I figured I was going to do a fair bit of shopping so I thought a tote bag might be useful

A far better view of the well

The Lady Of The Well

After the well Corney and I thought a pit stop and a refreshing G&T was a good idea ...

There is so much cool street decoration and art that I passed heading back towards the centre of town. 

I thought the fox looked very Eos-like

I went through a cool walkway to get to my next stop the Goddess Temple.

I wanted to go to the Glastonbury Goddess Temple to continue with my divine feminine day. It was another place I didn't take photos as it was a very small space. 

The shop attached to the temple had some lovely helpful staff and I had a nice chat with them and also looked at my own divine self in the mirror and realised how much I love my dress 😂

Some of my purchases from the Goddess shop


The candle and bronze Goddess on my altar

I went into a lot of other shops around the town which were full of witchy goodies and were amazingly decorated. 

Book shop!!

My first book purchase of the day

I got a couple of other books too -

Of course I also purchased some crystals -

And an inordinate amount of postcards to decorate my witch cupboard

Yep there's an actual fountain in the shop

This is White Rabbit which obviously I had to go in!

I got this statue for my Lilith & Isis Altar


I ended up with another tote bag and a really cool dress (please keep your fingers crossed that it fits me!)

Probably the most colourful shop I visited was Elestial where I purchased some of the crystals I showed you above. 

My final stop was for a well-earned slice of cake across from the coach pick up point which also had a nice view of the Abbey and a distant view of the Tor.


I'm definitely going back to Glastonbury as I want to brave the climb to the top of the Tor, visit the White Spring and explore the Abbey ruins. It sounds like a massive cliché but the whole vibe of the town was so peaceful and accepting and I can't say enough about how amazing the Chalice Well was. I think Glastonbury is a regular trip for Lynns (as they also drop off at Wells and Street) and I can see myself going back again and again 💓 

Love Jen

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