Wednesday, 5 October 2022

On The Hunt For Halloween Chapter 11 - It's Showtime! Some Beetlejuice inspired clothing and make-up and a few bits from Asda

Hi guys! My spooky clothing order from Asda came in and I'm super chuffed with it. When I went on their website and saw they had Halloween PJs again I knew an order was likely to happen, then when I found they had Beetlejuice merchandise the deal was sealed!

It's so cool and SUPER comfy

The PJs 

I also got this dungaree dress because I'm obsessed with anything to do with dungarees 😁

When I went to collect my order I had a look at the Halloween aisle in Asda and they've filled it out more. 

There were quite a lot of cool bits, a lot of which I already have from Halloween's past or weren't quite my style. They have a pretty good costume range as you can see from the video above. 

A cute Jack bag

And this Pumpkin bowl which can have yummy bits in for my party and then can be used on my Halloween altar for my Samhain rituals.

I was meeting up with my friend Heather yesterday evening so I decided to wear the dress and top and do some Beetlejuice inspired make-up. 

I used the Revolution Beetlejuice palette that I showed you guys in this blog

I used these two colours


Lippie (by NYX)

The full look

Wearing it with my Beetlejuice top (please ignore the weird facial expression)

I'm off for some Autumn fun with my friend Gem tomorrow and a trip to Sheffield Park next week. I'll share some pretty pictures!

Love Jen

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