Friday, 22 October 2021

On The Hunt For Halloween Chapter 16 - The Ultimate Accessory

Hiya guys you'll be, er, pleased (?) to know I've finally carried out my threat of dying my hair green and orange for Halloween!

Wearing my jumper from Asda to co-ordinate.

Shade Orange (such an original name 😂) 

And Toxic UV (that's a far more interesting shade name). I normally use their Capri Blue on my hair as its incredibly long lasting and, most importantly, is cruelty free & vegan so I can cuddle Esme whilst rocking dyed hair without feeling guilty 😁. 

Don't feel you have to though Mum....... 

I've been playing with fun colours on my hair for a few months now (see my Fun With Hair & Make-Up blog) so I like to think I'm quite adept at slapping on colour and hoping for the best. 

The waiting game of "dear god please don't go a weird colour". I also recognise the irony that most people pray for their hair not to go green...... 

I'm pleased to say it came out well and that I co-ordinate with Corney's top and also his ribbon!

After a truely horrible psychiatrist phone call this morning (the bloke is worse than useless and doesn't listen to a word Mum or I are saying 🤬) I took my hair out for ice cream to cheer us up😂

Forever classy....... 

I'm not sure how many more blogs I'll be able to wring out of decoration hunting as all the shops seem to have (pardon the pun) given up the ghost 👻 on Halloween this year. Which is a real shame as there were SO MANY great pieces about last year. I had hoped to take decoration hunting 'on tour' to York next week but Helen and I have taken the decision that Covid Cases are just too high to risk it. We're hoping to go in the spring/summer instead. 

Have a good weekend guys and stay spooky!

Love Jen

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