Friday, 27 June 2014

Just Call Me Halloween Barbie

How to accidentally insult me in two easy steps 1. Comment on my lovely tan & 2. Ask if I've dyed my hair blonde.


Probably not the worst insults I've ever received admittedly but my current state of tanned blondishness does go against all I've generally stood for. Although I will admit to a brief flirtation with blondeness at the end of last year/start of this year which I totally put down to all the different meds I was chopping and changing on!


I think my anti-blonde and tannedness of course stems from school, all the girls who were considered attractive were skinny, tanned, blondes and I was constantly reminded by them and the boys in my year that I was most certainly not up to this standard! So I've always been uncomfortable with this aspect of 'beauty'. If any of you have seen the film Never Been Kissed you'll remember the prom where the 'in crowd' girls all turn up dressed as different Barbies – that was scarily accurate!


Unfortunately for me I tan incredibly easily and my hair is actually naturally mid to light brown, with a penchant for bleaching in the sun. Which really doesn't suit my rock chick make-up, trust me heavy black eyeliner looks very strange with a tan and all the damn freckles on my nose and cheeks! All my beauty icons (aside from Marilyn of course!) have a really cool, edgy look e.g Angelina Jolie, Ami Lee from Evanescence, Taylor Momson from Pretty Reckless and Ksenia Solo's Kenzie in Lost Girl (awesome show – check it out on Netflix). There's no point dying my hair black again whilst it's summer, it will be light brown again within a month, no kidding. Last year I dyed my hair it's normal black at the start of July and by the middle of August it was light brown again!


Admittedly I probably should adopt a rock n roll 'sod it' attitude to it all and just do my make-up like normal but I am a little concerned that I may end up looking like Barbie's plus size, Halloween freak older sister! Although thinking about it ….. that wouldn't half make an awesome costume …….


Love Jen


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