Monday, 2 June 2014

Joining The 27 Club!

I now have 1 hour and 9 minutes left of my 26th year on this fair planet which feels like a bit of a shock to the system seeing as I still feel 17\18 most of the time! To use a cliche (apologies as always) I seriously cannot believe how fast this year has just gone.

If you'd asked me a few years ago I wouldn't have believed that I've made it to 27 in mostly one piece. Looking to the future just wasn't an option since I was mostly under a dark cloud. Although things have been tough lately I have the benefit of knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I got these gorgeous flowers from the ladies at work.
I've been doing fun pre-birthday stuff the last few days. On Saturday I got my carnival on with Luke, Barry, Lydia, Hilary & James. Eastbourne always used to have a carnival but it was cancelled years ago because of 'health & safety' *eye roll*. Thankfully sense was seen and it was restarted again 2years ago. 

Flowers in my hair! 

Post-funfair and carnival we had a midnight BBQ and jacuzzi fun. It's been 6 years since I last wore a swimming cossie and I'm pleased to say I've now jumped that hurdle :-) 

Luke, Lydia, Hilary, Barry and Patch!

I treated myself to a new zoom lens for my camera as a birthday present to myself (not just to capture the F35 at Farnborough Airshow next month you understand) and have been practising with it near my home photographing birds and dragonflies. 


Today Helen treated me to a day out in London to celebrate my last day of being 26. We went to the V&A Museum and it's
Glamour Of Italian Fashion exhibition (check it out here). The clothes were stunning and I have fallen in lust with lots of pieces! My favourite exhibit was Elizabeth Taylor's Bvulgari emerald necklace, ring and brooch .... Just wow! 

Here's a couple of pics from our day - 

Yummy ice cream

Getting hands on with an exhibit
Attempting some glamour of my own outside the V&A
Helen in Kensington Creperie
Well I now have 29 minutes of being 26 left so, should I go senile overnight and forget everything then let me say now, thank you to everyone who reads my random musings and gives me such lovely feedback. It is really, really appreciated.

Love Jen

PS Happy Birthday to me!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthdya to you, Happy Birthay to you, Happy Birthday dear Jeeeeeeeennnnnnn!!!!!

    Happy Birthday to you!

    Love you millions My dear! :) <3 <3


A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...