Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Doing The Zombie Shuffle

Today's blog is bought to you by a sleepy fog of drug adjustment.


Yesterday I went to my GP to see if he could increase the strength of my Propranolol tablets as my anxiety is currently through the roof, I've been having freak outs just walking round Asda and my OCD type thoughts are back with a vengeance and after a minor self-harm incident. The upshot is that I am already on the highest strength I can get for the Propranolol so my GP has added 10mg of Citalopram into the mix to try and combat the anxiety.


So my medication roll call currently stands at –


Lamotringe 100mg

Propranolol 80mg

Propranolol 10mg top up tablets

Citalopram 10mg

Oh and antihistamines (damn pollen)


I am a bit wary of the Citalopram, it was the first antidepressant I was ever prescribed and aside from making me pile on the weight didn't really do much. So far 10mg of the stuff has given me a fuzzy head, nausea, tightened jaw muscles, tired feeling muscles and a complete energy drain. Whether it's psychosomatic or not I've been starving hungry for the last 2 days and I'm really, really worried that I will end up putting the 12 kilos I've lost since the end of last year straight back on. I already feel like a zombie, today I've been suddenly realising that I've been staring blankly at the wall or computer screen with no recollection of when I zoned out. I'm already under scrutiny at work for 'concentration lapses' hence all the extra stress, will the new drug make the situation worse?


Is it better to be alert and panicky or zoned out and potentially making mistakes?


Love Jen


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Your time is almost up.

Hello ԁear, There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ have to read mẏ message carefully. It is really important...