Sunday, 15 June 2014

More Birthday Pics

I just wanted to share some more photos from my birthday celebrations that I managed to stretch to 2 weeks long! I feel some kind of Guinness World Record is in order surely?

I also wanted to say a big thank you to Helen as if it hadn't been for her I would have cancelled doing anything for my birthday because of how rubbish I'd been feeling.

Of course bun snuggling was our top priority!

03/06/14 -

My birthday! Helen & I went to the Vintage Cafe in Eastbourne and I continued my pretty dress theme from the day before (well if a girl can't wear polka dots on her birthday then when can she?). We also had a lovely meal with my parents that evening.

Helen in The Vintage Cafe

Birthday polka dots!
05/06/14 -

Me, Helen & Chris visited my Grandma & Grandad and had tea in the garden!

Helen & Grandma

Me & Grandma
07/06/14 -

Me, Mum, Helen, Chris & Vana went for afternoon tea (are you starting to see a tea-themed birthday trend here?) at The Wishing Well tearooms in Wilmington. It was a beautiful, hot summers day in beautiful surroundings.

Helen & Me

Chris & Vana

Mum, Chris, Vana & Helen

Such pretty gardens
This Wednesday just gone Me and Helen went to visit Gem & Andy and I was greeted with a suprise Mad Hatters' Tea Party! Turns out that it had been secretly planned for weeks! We played Disney Trivial Pursuit which turned into a hilarious farce involving giggling fits over The Swedish Chef from The Muppets and his similarity to Charlton Heston (Don't ask). There was also a stunning sunset that I naturally felt compelled to photograph. 

Suprise party!



We rounded of the week with a trip to London. On Friday we went to one of London Zoo's "Zoo Lates" evenings. On Fridays in June London Zoo opens until 10pm. It was a beautiful, warm evening and a lot quieter than it is during the day which I much preferred!

Queuing for the zoo
Helen meets the penguins
I loved this guy, he was keeping an eye on everyone
Beautiful butterfly
Helen makes a new friend
The night was still young by the time we'd finished at the zoo so we decided to head into Central London for a wander. We were incredibly rock n roll with our two bottles of water in Starbucks on Leicester Sq!

I love London all lit up at night
The next day we went to watch the Trooping Of The Colour. I've been before and I adore all the pageantry involved and the excuse to remember what makes Britain so great. I love seeing all the horses and carriages and of course the flypast! This year I was super excited as it included 3 Tornados!

Waiting for the procession to start

The Queen!

The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight


The mighty reds!
After the parade we had a wander around Westminster, including a pit stop at our favourite crepe stall on Westminster Bridge.

It's been a really brilliant two weeks, thank you to everyone who's made it so special for me.

Love Jen

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