Monday, 18 November 2013

Happy Birthday Estelle & Esme

Today is a very special day, it's my beautiful bunnies Estelle & Esme's 5th birthday!

They moved in with me when they were 8 weeks old, it's hard for me to imagine how tiny they were back then, they could each sit in the palm of my hand (anyone who has met them now, especially Princess Estelle may have trouble believing that!) and would snuggle up inside of my coat.

It sounds incredibly corny but I honestly never imagined I could immediately love these two little balls of fluff so unconditionally. They made me laugh from the beginning with their opposite personalities, Esme was too scared to go down the ramp for a week after they arrived whereas Estelle was up and down the ramp within half an hour of arriving! Even now we call Esme "brave and mighty" because of her (to put it politely) more hesitant personality. She does however make up for this with the power of her glare! There's nothing to put you in your place quite like Esme and her glare.

Whereas Esme is the definite brains (and tidying expert) of the pair Estelle is, how shall I put it delicately, not quite as intelligent as her sister. This is after all the rabbit who goes herself stuck between the fence and the run after deciding to test whether she was aerodynamic (the answer was no!) and who nearly gave herself a heart attack when she threw the toy she was playing with underneath herself! She is also the vainest rabbit I have ever met and if I have my phone or camera in my hand she will unleash her (many and varied) repertoire of poses.

I have so many wonderful memories of the girls, their first few days with us, the first time they went on the grass, laying in the grass run and being used as a bunny climbing frame, Esme falling asleep in the top of the fort and then sliding down the ramp, Estelle running up and down the top of the run as me and Helen were trying to brush her, having the food bowl thrown at me (not a rare occurrence!) and more recently discovering the girls are apparently rocket powered when put on harnesses!

I could gush all day and over many pages of blog about how wonderful the girls are and how I'd be lost without them however I am conscious that my readers may be reaching for a sick bag by now! So I will simply day Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, silly, messy, greedy and vain rabbit in the world and her equally beautiful, glarey, tidy, brave and mighty and soppy sister.

Love you girls so much.

Xxx Mummy xxX

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