Monday, 7 July 2014

In Those Shoes .... I Think So!

I love shoes as much as the next girl and I adore heels but sadly was born without the genetic ability to walk in them. This unfortunate disability has left me to my Dr Martens and trainers (oh and my red 'Dorothy' shoes!) which whilst they're v cool aren't exactly 'pretty'.  I've needed a new pair of trainers for a while for days out or long walks with my camera (I have an assortment of Converse of all colours and patterns but they're a wee bit flat to be walking in all day) and in stepped (sorry .... no pun intended) Sketchers Go Walks. Helen has had a pair for about 3 weeks and I was so taken with hers I ordered a pair for myself.

There are loads of different colours of the shoes available but I went for black since I figure they'll be worn with lots of different outfit combinations. However this didn't mean I couldn't have a little fun and Jenni-ize them! So I drew up some stencils and away I went. 

I drew the patterns on in bronze Sharpie
Every girl needs a unicorn on her shoes!
One the bronze guidelines were on I painted over in silver fabric paint (silver Sharpie would also work well)

The paint drys really quickly and goes on very brightly and only occasionally needs a second coat in a few spots. 

A bright, shiny unicorn!
I think the finished project is pretty cool if I say so myself!

Skulls & Swallows just like my tattoos!
View from the side
Accessorized with unicorn print leggings!
I love that now no-one else has in the world has shoes like mine. It just shows that with an hour of drawing and painting you can have your own unique and pretty accessories!

Love Jen


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