Thursday, 3 July 2014

Crazy Dreams

Last night I finally got more than 5 hours sleep (6 to be precise)! Judging by my dreams last night it gave my head time to work through all the stuff bumping around in it. I'm one of those people who can always remember their dreams and I tend to dream very vividly. Apparently remembering your dreams means you're not getting a particularly deep sleep, in which case I don't think I've ever slept that deeply since I can still clearly remember dreams from when I was really young . One of my dreams was of a giant rabbit in the sky ….. saying nothing Estelle & Esme ……


I don't know if anyone else has recurring dreams but I have two and I managed to have them both last night! The first is a classic anxiety dream – it's a weekday morning and events and people I know are conspiring to make me late for work. I will be either waiting on family for a lift, be pottering around and it will suddenly dawn on me that I'm late or I won't be able to walk fast enough. It doesn't take Freud to work out that this is just a run of the mill anxiety dream when my brain is stressed (and yes I do have the turning up to work/school naked dream too …. A nice image for you all on this Thursday afternoon).


I had the misfortune to have my most horrible recurring dream last night too. It always works the same way, I've been out to feed Estelle & Esme (that's my two beautiful bunnies for any new readers) and once I've finished feeding them either discover or suddenly realise that I've forgotten about multiple other bunnies or guinea pigs that are, normally, in the shed and are starving, filthy or dead in horrible cramped little cages. I normally end up putting the surviving ones in the girls' grass run where they instantly perk up and I hurriedly clean out the cages. But I then have to put them back in the tiny cages and they instantly become ill again.


Last night's variation was me lying on my bed and looking up and suddenly noticing that above me a small cage was hanging from the ceiling with 3 guinea pigs inside, again very cramped and ill. In my dream I decided that the first thing they needed was a bigger home and was trying to go on the internet on my tablet to order them one. The touchpad wouldn't work and whenever I tried to type 'guinea pig' it would mis-spell it. It happened when I was trying to call someone to come and take them as I obviously was neglecting them, my phone wouldn't dial the number or pick up signal.


The weirdest thing about these dreams is that my bunnies are always fine, healthy and spoilt (of course I have nightmares about their wellbeing too but those are far less frequent) and anyone who knows me and my love of small, furry creatures would know that it would be impossible for me to forget about any others in my vicinity. I'd love to know what the dream means, I assume I feel subconsciously that I'm neglecting something or someone but I just don't know what.


Other recurring anxiety dreams include realising that it's opening night of the school play and not having learnt my lines, school ones in general where I realise half-way through "hey I have a job I don't need to be here", going on holiday and not being able to get hold of Helen (v unlikely since I normally go on holiday with her!) and of course anything involving snakes!


I assume I'm not the only one with weird n wonderful dreams, do any of yours top mine for weirdness?


Love Jen


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