Saturday, 30 December 2023

2023 In Music


Hi guys it's that time of the year! I'm going to waffle away again about the music that I've loved this year 🎼. I've been doing end of year music blogs since 2016 (I'll list them at the end of the blog) and I love a good natter about music and sharing what I've loved each year. 

Gig-wise this year I demonstrating a stunning lack of variety in going to 3 gigs ... all of which were Yungblud 😂. In February I saw him at Wembley Stadium and although I'm a relatively new fan (I've been a fan for 5 years now) I still felt a real sense of pride seeing him in such a big venue. 

At the hotel pre-gig

The show starting

In April I saw him again twice in one evening in Brighton at the Chalk venue (you can read about the show here) which is probably some kind of new record for me as I haven't even managed to see 30 Seconds To Mars twice in one day 😅 (more from them later). It was a really nice contrast from the big Wembley show to see him 'unplugged' in a tiny venue. I think he's planning new music (a couple of new songs have already been released and are linked further down the page) and possibly a tour next year so I have my fingers crossed he'll get a mention 5 review blogs in a row after making his debut in 2020 😄.

Onstage at Chalk

2023 introduced me to some new artists which always makes me happy, step forward Last Dinner PartyMaster Peace , both have new albums out next year which I'll hopefully be covering in a year's time! 

This year's song list is quite lengthy so make yourself comfortable with a beverage of your choice and click each 'title' to take you to the YouTube video. 

Bring Me The Horizon - Amen

Foo Fighters - Hearing Voices

Edward Reekers - Good Citizen

The Killers - Your Side Of Town

Olivia Rodrigo - Bad Idea Right? & All American Bitch

The Last Dinner Party - Nothing Matters

Picture Parlour - Norwegian Wood

Master Peace - I Might Be Fake & Loo Song

Ghost - Phantom Of The Opera

Yungblud - Hated

Yungblud & Bring Me The Horizon - Happier

Green Day were finally back this year, releasing 3 songs off of their upcoming album Saviours (released in 21 days time but who's counting ....) and due to my vast amount of excitement I thought I'd give them their own 'mini spot' on this year's blog ahead of next year's review. They've released 3 songs off of the album so far The American Dream Is Killing MeLook Ma, No Brains and my favourite Dilemma. I can't wait to hear the rest of the album as it sounds like a real return to form, I look forward to reporting back!

Ok you were all forewarned .... here come 30 Seconds To Mars .....

30 Seconds To Mars - It's The End Of The World, But It's A Beautiful Day

The only album on this year's list comes from my favourite band (joint with Green Day, Lady GaGa & Yungblud of course) and in all honesty on the back of the first two singles that came off the album I didn't think it would make the end of year list 😕. To give some context 30STM have been my favourite band since I discovered them in 2007 and I fell in love with their rock sound immediately. Their 2009 album This Is War is, in my opinion, utter perfection. Whilst their sound has gone more 'electro' over the last two albums 2013's Love, Lust, Faith & Dreams and 2018's America I wasn't quite prepared for how different they would sound upon their comeback. 

The album's lead single arrived in May in the form of Stuck and whilst I wasn't convinced I gritted my teeth to see what came next (as an aside I do like the video, apart from the snake 😱). When Life Is Beautiful dropped I was gutted as I hated it, I still have to skip it now when I listen to the album. Thankfully the next two singles Get Up Kid and next year's tour namesake Seasons were better. When the album was finally released in September I was relieved as the songs on it were actually a lot better than the singles *phew*. 

There are some songs I really like on the album; Avalanche is reminiscent of LLFD's Do Or Die and is going to sound great live. Shannon takes lead vocals on Midnight Prayer and his voice blends perfectly with Jared's on the chorus. The lyrics spoke to me as someone who often reaches her darkest times around midnight. My favourite song on the album is World On Fire and is the song I'm most looking forward to hearing on tour next year.

So all in all whilst the album has continued the band's journey into more electro territory I actually do quite like it and will award it a 7/10. I also figure that I'd rather the band tried new sounds rather than getting bored re-making the same songs again and calling it a day. 

So that's it for 2023's music. I have two gigs booked for next year so far - Green Day at Wembley Stadium in June and, in case you hadn't picked up on the hints above, I'm seeing 30 Seconds To Mars in April for the 20th time ........ 

I'd love to know what music you guys have enjoyed this year, pop me some recommendations in the comments of where you've read this from - IG or Facebook.

Happy New Year!

Love Jen


PS Here are my previous year's music blogs -








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