Monday, 31 October 2022

On The Hunt For Halloween - The Finale! Spooky post and a cosy evening in (with an obligatory black cat)

Today's the day! Halloween is here! Happy Halloween and blessed Samhain to you all! The house and my room are actually decoration free today as I took everything down yesterday to make life easier for Dad whilst he works on the flooring downstairs. It's no bad thing though as today is more about the spiritual side of Halloween or Samhain as us Witches/Wiccans/Pagans call it. 

I started off the day with a walk with Dad and Eos enjoying the lovely warm Autumn weather (although it's now peeing it down and blowing a gale *insert dark and stormy night quote here*) and soaking up the seasonal vibes. My other main activities of the morning were some Samhain rituals and dedications with my lovely smelling candle and cauldron candles from Moonchild Spiritual Emporium you all know how much I love them ❤


I also had a lovely surprise today in the form of a Halloween parcel from my friend Tiffany. 

So many goodies 😱😍

Look at this beautiful bracelet

She also sent me this amazing personalised tote bag from the Halloween Range of her store (do please check her out she makes wonderful products for bunnies and their human minions). 

I have this bunny as a tattoo!

I spent this evening with my friends Gem and Andy watching Nightmare Before Christmas (what else?) and answering the door to a steady stream of trick or treaters (I didn't even manage to scare them!).

I thought it would be appropriate to wear my top that I got during last week's trip to Brighton

A nice cuppa

This handsome boy is Orwell

I've had an absolutely lovely Halloween season and I've been really enjoying blogging about my preparations. I hope you've enjoyed joining me on my spooky quest. 

Until next year, Happy Halloween!

Love Jen

Saturday, 29 October 2022

On The Hunt For Halloween Chapter 16 - Party Time!


My Kiki inspired outfit

Yesterday I had a very busy day getting the house suitably spooky for my party. As with last year I did a 'Haunted Hallway'. 

Eos seemed to approve of the decor -

She appeared slightly less impressed with her Halloween collar charm .....

I also put the little cross stitches up again


Black and White pumpkin patch

Before my terrible cooking was added

I put a couple of bits in the downstairs spare room and upstairs bathroom too -



The kitchen decorations -

Dad's been doing some work on the flooring so had some toolboxes at the bottom of the stairs which worked perfectly for some multi-level decorations!

By day

A walk from the kitchen to the hallway. 

These were the living room decorations -

I love this scene inside a pumpkin

Halloween cushions

I think she was getting bored of posing ....

My costume this year was inspired by the Anime film Kiki's Delivery Service with a gothy twist. 

With my trusty cat Jiji

Cape on

Halloween tights!

A cheeky Aperol and Gin before everyone arrived

We had a great night hanging out and catching up (even if Hilary and I weren't able to convince everyone else to watch Ancient Aliens 😂).

Party Ghouls

Stay spooky everyone!

Love Jen

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