Thursday, 29 September 2022

On The Hunt For Halloween Chapter 9 - I lit the black flame candle ....



Spooky season has now begun! I've spent today unpacking all my Halloween boxes and putting the decorations up in my room, culminating in the lighting of my Black Flame Candle (From Hocus Pocus).

As you can see there were a lot of boxes

Utter chaos 😂

Before I started with the decorating I had to nip to Next and found this adorable ghost. 

And this plant I've named Gregory

Right back to the decorating! I've gone for a similar look to last year with various themed shelves and counter tops. I haven't got all the lights on the go yet as in my vast and unparalleled intelligence I forgot to buy batteries ..... So there's a couple of minor things to do but in the meantime here we go!

This is how things look as a whole, again there'll be more lights to go on. 

Not technically decorations but I moved my crystals and moon across to here and added a pumpkin-scented candle

These are the rest of the decorations -

TV stand

Wreaths galore!

My bedside table has a Jack O'Lantern and a cauldron candle. 

Black & White shelf

Haunted house


My main shelves

My very own pumpkin patch

With Jack Skellington

Witch shelf

Spooky shelf

I hope you guys like what I've done so far. I'll write about any other bits that I find or spooky fun that I have. 

Love Jen

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