Saturday, 13 August 2022

On The Hunt For Halloween 2022 Vol 3 - Off To Brighton

Hi guys it's time for another Halloween blog. After a second successful trip to TX Maxx I had a lovely trip to Brighton with Mum, Helen and Vana to (among other things) have a peer at what Homesense had to offer Halloween-wise. 

Spoiler, it went well

Naturally Corney came along for the ride

We went to Wagamama to fuel up for the day's shopping and I indulged in a couple of cocktails ..

Helen had a cherry and rose lemonade

We had a wander through The Lanes looking in all the quirky shops and popped into Waterstone which was Jen-heaven (books and a cafe with a good tea supply what's not to like?).

Due to the very un-Halloween hot and sunny weather we thought it was sensible to cool off with some ice cream at Sprinkles Gelato which was a really pretty ice cream parlour with a 50s vibe. 

Mum and Vana went for multiple flavour scoops

Helen and I went for these cherry sundaes (to continue with the day's apparently cherry foodstuff theme 😆)


Corney seemed to approve

After we were suitably refreshed it was time for Homesense! When Mum and I went over last year there wasn't a huge amount left, this year was a whole different story .... The whole bottom level was taken over by spooky goodies!!!

Plenty of kitchen utensils



My house would look like this 364 days of the year if I was given half a chance!

I love these snowglobes

Mum would kill me if I brought any more mugs home

With the huge range they had I feel I was pretty restrained in my shopping! Here's what I picked up -

I thought this could go on my Mabon altar before I hang it for Halloween

I like this light up scene inside a pumpkin

For my party

I picked this up to go with last year's potion bottles

Hocus Pocus is one of my favourite Halloween movies

And finally I got this beautiful glass pumpkin

And believe it or not the pumpkin got home in one piece!

Love Jen


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