Sunday, 16 January 2022

My Favourite Photos Of 2021

Hi guys happy new year once again! I hope you're all doing well? I thought it might be fun to post some of my favourite photos from last year 😀 some of them are attached to other blogs which I'll link with them. 

First up let's have some photos of the furry ones, obviously the most important aspect of any year!

Esme turned 13 this year  which is absolutely crazy, she's still doing well and frowns at me every morning when I'm trying to clean her eyes .... 😒

Taken from Esme's birthday blog

Inspecting the garden after February's snow

Dandelions are still her favourite treat

This is the expression I get when I sit in the run with her ... 


Playing with her Christmas present

Kisses with Auntie Helen

She and Eos get on so well which is mildly insulting as she prefers the dog to me. They even kiss each other.

Eos absolutely loved the snow that we had. She got so excited and did some epic zoomies. 

The Lesser Spotted Tree Collie 

Getting into the Christmas spirit

Eos and Esme gained a cousin this year when Chris and Vana adopted Norman the Daschund. Norman is 3 and hasn't had the best start but is now living his best life. Eos was a bit unsure about him at first but they're now firm friends and spend their time running round the house play-fighting. 

Norman is a very dapper fellow with his bow ties and bandanas

Cuddles back in the summer

Their first meeting in April

One dog is easier to lift for photos than the other ...

Causing mischief on Christmas Day

At the start of the year we were still in lockdown so Helen and I had to meet outside which lead to a lot of time under an umbrella. 

And in shelters on the seafront

Thankfully as we went into spring the restrictions lifted a bit which meant cafes re-opened and we could socialise indoors again. 

My birthday

A lifesaver during the 'outdoor socialisation only' restrictions was the bar that Dad built in the garden. 

At the end of the year it was so good to be able to celebrate Christmas with my friends and family as normal. 
Gin(and beer)stitue Christmas Party

Helen and me

Christmas Dinner

Chris, Vana & Norman

Chris finally got to show off his jumper 😂 

Another re-opening were tattoo studios so I was finally able to get some more artwork done. First off I got a Red Arrows tattoo. 

Showing off my tattoo at Bournemouth Airshow - my blog about it is here

I also got an adorable Halloween bunny tattoo to combine two of my loves of rabbits and Halloween, I covered it as part of my series of Halloween blogs - 'Tattoo Time!'

Speaking of Halloween I was able to have a party this year which was so good! I turned the hallway into a graveyard (check out this blog for the rest of the decorations) and dyed my hair green and orange and dressed as a gothic Alice In Wonderland - for photos of the party here's the blog.

It was absolutely fantastic to be able to see my friends more this year for birthdays, woodland walks, pumpkin picking and  even New Year's Eve. 

Using Dad's bar for my birthday party.

Amanda's Birthday

Lydia & Hilary's Birthday

Luke's Birthday

Helen's Birthday

We went pumpkin picking which was so much fun - for more pumpkin content my blog has you covered!

Lydia & I went to Wakehurst Place's 'Glow Wild'

New Year's Eve

One of the great things about 2021 was the return of events, I managed to squeeze in plenty of plane geek action. I also went to Goodwood Festival Of Speed for the first time with Chris and Vana and we had the best time. 

The Red Arrows were there and debuted their 'NHS Pass'

Chris got a sneaky photo of my photographing the subject of my tattoo 😂

I have loads more photos and videos of the day on my Goodwood Blog. I also put together a year of plane geeking in my 2021 In Plane Geeking blog but here are a couple of favourite photos. 

P51 Mustang 'Miss Helen' and 2 F15s at the 19 Squadron Flying Day at Duxford in August

The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight overhead and the Typhoon kicking up loads of vapour at Duxford's Best Of 2021 Flying Day

Thank you all for reading my blog, the next one I have planned is an update to my 2013 'My Tattoos - A Spotter's Guide' blog as my little sugar skull turns 10 at the end of the month!

Love Jen

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