Wednesday, 13 October 2021

My final airshow of the year (for real this time 😂 ) Duxford Flying Day - The Best Of 2021

I genuinely thought that the Duxford Battle Of Britain Airshow (you can read my review of it here) was going to be my final airshow of a year where despite the cancellation of my two 'main' airshows (Airbourne & RIAT) and the washout that was Headcorn (I still think it's great that they've offered all of us Sunday drowned rats free entry to next year's show) I managed to get some really good plane geeking action in. Step in Duxford to prove me wrong!

When they announced that the Typhoon was going to be appearing at their final flying day of the year Dad and I both felt our arms twist and decided to go. It was well worth it and the show lived up to it's 'Best Of 2021' name.

The announcement that nailed it!

The Flying List was already pretty good but on the day everything seemed to fly including the Hawker Hart, Bearcat and Lysander, it seemed to be a case of "if it's serviceable then get it up" which made for a real treat. 

We'd only been there 10 minutes and Dad found a plane with his name on it!

Naturally Corney was in attendance, sadly there weren't any planes named after him.

Aside from the Typhoon my other highlight of the day was the appearance of the RAF Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight and the return of the Lancaster after a season of serviceability issues. The flight has 'special dispensation' to fly in over the crowd (the only other people who have that are the Red Arrows and The Blades) and Dad and I happened to be sat in the exact right spot for them to thunder in right over our heads. 

Welcome back!

The BBMF's Spitfire pair

Another of my 'favourite sounding' teams are the Duxford-based Ultimate Fighters on Sunday they flew their P51 Mustang and P47 Thunderbolt. The engine combination made an amazing sound with the Thunderbolt living up to it's name with a heavy roar and the Mustang with it's Merlin engine and distinctive whistle. 

P47 Thunderbolt 

P51 Mustang


There were some interesting 'aerobatic' aircraft that I'd not seen before, a beautifully painted LeVier Cosmic Wind and a Bücker Bü 131 Jungmann.

Cosmic Wind


Another 'pretty' aircraft on display was this Slingsby Firefly


The two Hurricanes glinted beautifully in the afternoon sunshine, 


As did this Hawker Hart another aircraft that I don't recall seeing before. 


The Bearcat put on it's normal powerful display. 


The three Spitfires were joined by a Curtiss Hawk for some formation flypasts.

We were treated to a surprise Lysander display.


The highlight of the day had to be the Typhoon display. I'd almost forgotten how noisy it is ......almost ......

And now for some photo spam ..




The best part was the huge clouds of vapour kicked up by the Typhoon cutting through the afternoon air. 

I hope you guys enjoyed the geek spam, if you'd like to see some more highlights from the show you can here -

Roll on the 2022 season!

Love Jen

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