Thursday, 11 November 2021

I Love You Grandad

 Last week my Grandad Frank Richardson passed away at the age of 94 and I wanted to show you all some of my favourite photos of him with a couple of the fantastic memories I have of spending time with him. I'm incredibly lucky to have had 34 years with him and Grandma and have been surrounded by their love. 

At Chris and Vana's wedding October 2017

So in no particular order here are some photos of my beloved Grandad 💖

Grandma & Grandad on their wedding day March 1950

Grandad (second in from the left) served on HMS Victorious during WW2 and I loved hearing his memories of life on board the ship and his experiences in Australia and Malaysia. I remember being amazed at his description of watching Great White Sharks from the Sydney Harbour Bridge when they would occasionally swim in.

I guess this is one of the first photos of Grandad, Grandma and me.

Playing football with Grandad and Auntie (luckily I didn't follow Grandad's lead in supporting Brighton, I took the far more sensible option of supporting Liverpool 😂)

As you can see from my top! (Christmas 2001)

One of Grandad's favourite stories to tell about me was the time he was building a garage in their garden and I took it upon myself to bury his tools ..... in my defence I was trying to help!


See helping!!!!

Chris, Grandad and me

Grandma and Grandad used to come on holiday to France with us, including combining my 5th & his 65th birthdays with a trip to the recently opened Disneyland Paris! On one holiday I apparently accused him of being a wimp for not immediately jumping in the slightly chilly sea with me .....


Ice Cream with Grandma (probably the instigator!), Grandad and Mum

Chris, Grandad and me

We're so lucky to be part of a close family who spend a lot of time together.

I think this is my 13th birthday 

BBQ Time

My 18th 

Chris's 18th

This was the Christmas that Grandad wanted a new watering can and Chris had the genius idea to 'wrap it' and put blue shredded paper out of the spout to look like water 😂

Grandma & Grandad's 60th wedding anniversary in 2010

Chris and Grandad

Back in 2015 Helen, Grandma, Grandad and me went up to Beachy Head to watch the Vulcan Bomber

Everybody together

Christmas 2015

Summer 2018

One of the days I've seen Grandad most joyful was at Chris and Vana's wedding in October 2017.

I adore this photo 💖

Grandad's 90th was a beautiful, sunny day

When Eos arrived in 2019 Grandad fell in love with her along with the rest of us. 


We had a cream tea for Grandad's birthday last year

A trip to the park last year

Visiting earlier this year

I love you so much Grandad, thank you for all the amazing memories 💗💗💗💗💗💗
Love Jen

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