Wednesday, 24 November 2021

31 Day Song Challenge - A Song That Needs To Be Played Loud

Hiya guys I hope you're enjoying my series of music blogs so far. Today I'm going to be talking about a song that should be played loud. The eagle-eyed amongst you may notice that I've missed out the 'song that reminds you of someone you'd rather forget' option, this is a deliberate decision as I want to keep this series positive and reflect the joy that music brings me rather than bring anything negative to it.

This post is actually quite a hard one to do as I like all my music played loud! So I'm going to try and choose something that's a good sonic experience rather than just a favourite song I listen to loudly.

Two bands I love who provide great sonic experiences are Pink Floyd and arguably their modern equivalent Muse. Both bands create intricate soundscapes where you discover something new every time you listen to them. I've had the good fortune to see Muse live 3 times and they are absolutely fantastic and do indeed sound good played loud! 

I took this photo of Muse when I saw them at The O2 Arena on the Drones tour in 2016.

So today I'm declaring a draw between the two bands and going to pick my favourite song by each band. 

I've chosen Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb firstly because it's Dad's favourite song and always reminds me of fun times we have listening to it and also the pure joy he has on his face whenever it comes on. 

I also identify with it's lyrics and themes, it starts with a confusion of voices and sounds that could be interpreted as a kind of manic confusion, it asks "is there anybody out there?" from a kind of isolation wondering if this is reality or your brain playing tricks on you. 

I love how the music changes as the song progresses, it starts calmly, almost echoing before the first guitar solo pierces through. It culminates in a really heavy guitar solo which could go on forever. In my humble opinion this is prog rock done right. 

My nomination for Muse is my favourite song of their's Hysteria. It perfectly shows Matt Bellamy's epic guitar skills, he makes it absolutely scream as if suffering from the hysteria of the song's title. It sounds just as good live as it does on record, check out this video from their 2007 Wembley Stadium Show (I was there, it was epic, enough said). If you ever get the chance to see them live then I strongly suggest that you do!

Love Jen

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