Wednesday, 27 October 2021

On The Hunt For Halloween Chapter 17 - A Pumpkin From Far Away & The Coolest Hat Ever .....

 Hiya guys I'm chuffed that I'm managing one final Halloween hunting blog before the weekend's celebrations begin (Halloween is my Christmas in case you hadn't figured this out by now) with some photos from a day out and a beautiful purchase. 

Today Helen and I went to Lewes to look around the shops including our favourite Polish pottery shop Baltica. If you ever get the chance then you must go in, they have absolutely beautiful pottery imported from Poland and I have quite a few pieces from the store including two rabbits and a star tealight holder. Today I added a pumpkin to the list to combine my love of Halloween with their products 💓.

Meet Georgina

She's now living on my table

We also visited one of our favourite spots in Southover Gardens to look at the Autumn colours.




We took our traditional photos in the gardens.

I took the opportunity to wear my new Hell Bunny coat

There were some other pretty colours at the railway station of all places. 



I've also realised that my green hair clashes fantastically with the colours. 

When we got home I had mail! My Halloween costume accessory (I'm keeping that a secret until the weekend) and most importantly my new beret! 

Yes! It's a pumpkin!!!! (See above comment about hair clashing with my surroundings)


It's from the Etsy store UrbanDayor who have a store full of cool hats, I'm loving their frog and egg berets 😂.


I've picked up a couple of last-minute deccies including some ghosts to go over my 'hallway graveyard' (from Wilko)

I found these candelabras and also these very Art Deco black and gold pumpkins in Poundland that may end up being on display year round....


See you at the weekend!

Love Jen

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