Friday, 29 September 2023

Back to Glastonbury again ❤️✨ 🧹

The beautiful Chalice Well

Well it wasn't going to be too long until I was back ......

Yesterday I was back at my favourite place in the world, Glastonbury and it's Chalice Well. 

Corney ready for a day out

As always I went with Lynns Travel and since the coach wasn't that full I didn't have a seatmate which meant I could snooze through the first part of the journey (in my defence the pick up time was 6.20am ...). We stopped for a pit stop just outside Southampton and I was confronted with this in the services 😆

Obligatory 'on the coach' selfie

As you get closer to Glastonbury you can see The Tor for miles around.

Framed beautifully with the coach sign

Once the coach dropped us off I headed straight to the Chalice Well. The well is located at the bottom of the Tor so you get a lovely view of it on the walk up.

The Autumn colours were starting to come out which made for a really pretty walk.

As I mentioned at the start of the blog the reason for my visit was to go back to the 
Chalice Well. I can't describe the feeling of peace I got the moment I arrived, people from all walks of life visit the well for a myriad of different reasons. I come for the peace and it's magical energy. The moment I touched the water for the first time the extreme anxiety that's been weighing me down non-stop for months evaporated (unfortunately it re-hit me like a sledgehammer the moment I stepped back into the 'real world' but even that hour's respite made a difference). 

The part of the well most special to me is the head itself, in fact I actually have it tattooed above my ankle to carry the peace and energy of it with me. 

 The well head was still decorated from the past weekend's Autumn Equinox celebrations and looked absolutely beautiful. 

I spent quite a while at the well head thanking it for the energy it's given me when I visit and doing some other small rituals. I also finally had the excuse to wear the beautiful headdress that my friend Crystal sent me all the way from America. If you can't wear an Obsidian, crow headdress in Glastonbury then where can you?

The Madonna statue was still decorated too

Corney chilling

Looking down on the pool

Halfway down from the well head is a waterfall and pool that you can stand in.

This time I decided to take the plunge (no pun intended) and actually paddle in the pool, the first time I went I just dipped my toes in at the very end of the stream. And it was predictably blooming freezing 😆

All too soon it was time to leave the well as I only had 4 hours before the coach picked me back up and I needed to get some supplies from the shops in the town. My aim is to one day stay over a couple of nights in Glastonbury so that I can spend much longer at the well. 

Beautiful views across the countryside

See you again soon

When I got back into the town I decided a pit stop was in order and had a lovely breakfast at Coffee Zero. I'd definitely recommend them if you're in the area they do a lovely cup of tea!

A lot of the shops were already in Halloween-mode (it doesn't take much encouragement for us witchy folk to jump into spooky mode) which was very pleasing to me. 

There are quite a few military bases in the surrounding area and I saw quite a few military helicopters throughout the day, including this fantastically photographed Wildcat.

My first shop stop was The Coven which is the most adorable shop which sells lots of products from local independant businesses. 

Next up was my favourite shop White Rabbit (obviously) any shop that has a tree in the middle of it is good enough for me!

So many of the shops have lovely decor including Starchild

I'm terrified of snakes but even I appreciated this

Much better and far less snakey

The award for the best window on the high street has to go to Imaginarium and this time was no different. This is literally how the whole house would look all year round if I got my way ....

All too soon it was time to get back on the coach and head home. The weather that had been threatening us finally caught up on the way home as you can see in this attempted photo of Salisbury Cathedral.

It wouldn't have been a trip to Glastonbury without a wee bit of shopping, although in my defence I didn't even buy any books! I'm trying to save money (hence the lack of Halloween shopping) so I concentrated on getting witchy supplies with a couple of treats 😉

So first off we have my amazing discovery in the Chalice Well shop that there's a type of crystal called Merlinite so obviously that had to happen! 

They're even the same colour!

A photo of Maverick too for fairness

I got these pretty bits in the aforementioned Coven shop. The moon was requested by Helen when I sent her a photo of the shop. It's so beautifully made.

I got this for me as I always struggle with the 'dark half' of the year

From the Chalice Well shop

Another of the Starchild 'foaming' candles that I got on a previous trip I thought the colours of this one would be perfect for my Imbloc altar early next year. 

On the theme of new year I picked up the witchy calendar and diary that I always have, it was much nicer to buy them 'in person' and support a shop than on Amazon. Fear not though Mum and Dad the kitchen will still be getting it's traditional RAF Calendar!

These beautiful cards were from White Rabbit

I've been really enjoying Witches magazine that I discovered for the first time when I was in Glastonbury back in May and I found the Autumn edition on my travels.

The artwork is always so beautiful

I like that it's always a 'double cover'

My final bits were from the fantastically decorated Imaginarium -

Actual useful items

Obligatory Halloween

And this which really isn't my normal style at all, it's not black or silver, there's no 💀 and yet it really caught my eye.

So that's all from another trip to Glastonbury, it really is the most magical place and I don't expect it will be long before it's calling to me in my dream again.

Love Jen

Ps you can find my previous Glastonbury blogs from last year here (May 2022 very sunny with a pretty dress) and here (Nov 2022 very winter with cringey mists of Avalon jokes aplenty)

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