Thursday, 1 December 2022

An even more magical return to Glastonbury


Ever since I went to Glastonbury back in May I've wanted to go back and yesterday I did just that!

As with my last Glastonbury Blog I'm going to be chatting in more detail this time about all things Witchy which isn't everyone's bag so feel free to read Eos' first ever Christmas Blog instead 😆🌲

Corney and I went with Lynns Travel as we always do and he was particularly excited at the Christmas decorations on the coach and the Christmas songs. I'll let him suggest to Dad that the Landrover is similarly decorated .....

Hello all!


En route with my Chalice Well necklace and freshly dyed hair (don't worry I missed a large streak at the back so it's not as professional as it looks)

In the last blog I boasted that I'd successfully taken the worst photo ever of Salisbury Cathedral but I surpassed it yesterday with this blurry, cloudy photo 😆

Once we arrived in Glastonbury I headed straight to the Chalice Well via a different route to last time (thank you Google Maps!) which gave me a view of the Tor rising out of the mist. 

'Artsy' photo of the Tor behind a tree

The Autumn colours were still really vibrant in the area.



Some cool artwork

When I got to the well it was much quieter than it was in May, I assume because it was a weekday and a chilly and misty day. 

*Insert Mists Of Avalon pun here*

Shockingly for me who will always argue for summer over autumn/winter I actually preferred it yesterday, I think it was because it was almost deserted and I could feel the vibes even more strongly than before (more of that in a minute). 

This tree looked amazing

The well is just so pretty

I walked up to the middle part of the well where I spent most of my time before, what a difference 6 months makes in clothing choices ...


It feels so hidden away from the rest of the world. 

Looking back from my spot back down to the gardens, the gate reminds me of The Secret Garden which was one of my favourite books as a child.

Tucked away at the side of the gardens is a small statue tribute to both the Divine Feminine and the Virgin Mary and I placed a small cross-stitch that I had done as a thank you to the energies for my experience last time and as an offering for this time.

 Because there were very few people there I was able to sit at the actual well head this time and place my crystals and tarot cards there to charge. 

I took the opportunity to pull a simple tarot spread and the cards that I pulled were some of the clearest answers I've had in a long time and gave me a definite message (basically work on your magic and you'll be happy in the simplest terms).

After that I just sat quietly at the well head and had an incredibly profound energy experience that I won't describe here as it was very personal but suffice to say I feel incredibly charged and far more sure of my practice and spiritual self. 

Someone else soaked up the vibes too

I could have sat at the well all day but I needed to head back into the town to visit the shops to stock up on my witchy supplies. 

Bye bye well see you again soon

The shops are always decorated really well and I even found a hint of Halloween still around ...

The High Street had it's Christmas decorations out.


The Gauntlet

This is my favourite shop in Glastonbury White Rabbit (obviously)
I went to the Goddess Temple shop which is another super cool shop. 

I went for a well earned (in my opinion) break in a nearby cafe called The Blue Note Cafe and had my first mince pie of the year along with a Bailey's Hot Chocolate! I'd 100% recommend them, really nice people and lots of options for vegetarians, vegans and those with gluten and dairy intolerances.


All too soon it was time to head back to the coach with a bag full of goodies. Here's what I got ....

These bits were from White Rabbit

Lapis Lazuli and Green Agate

A postcard and fridge magnet from the Chalice Well shop

And some earrings to match my necklace

The Goddess Temple are selling Christmas gift sets

Which have incense, a wooden goddess, a candle and a keyring in them

I went into Starchild to get one of their famous fountain candles.

And this white one

I even got a Christmas decoration from Happy

Of course it wouldn't have been a trip to Glastonbury without some book shopping! I think I was pretty restrained by only buying three! The shops I went to were The Speaking Tree and Courtyard Books.

The 'Normal For Glastonbury' book comes from a blog and Instagram Account I follow
Helen and I get this almanac every year

And finally increasing my knowledge about the history of tarot

I had another wonderful day in Glastonbury, it's a cliche I know but the place is genuinely and like no other. I can't wait to get back again to the Chalice Well and maybe even tackle the Tor ...... maybe .......

Love Jen

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