Wednesday, 5 July 2023

RIAT 2023 Preview


It's that time of year, RIAT aka The Royal International Air Tattoo is only a week away! This year Dad and I are going a day early on the Wednesday to see even more aircraft. We're staying at Townsend Farm again as it's the perfect place to catch all the action as you can see from these two videos from last year -

I also experimented with the time lapse feature on my phone to catch the Frecce Tricolori, Red Arrows & Black Eagles.

Like with last year I thought I'd put together a preview of the aircraft I'm most looking forward to seeing (you can see my reviews of the 20172018 and 2022 shows). Below you can find a highlights video of the 2022 show -

This year's theme is 'Skytanker' celebrating 100 years of air to air refuelling which has meant lots of interesting additions. So without further ado here are the flying displays I'm most looking forward to ....

RAF Red Arrows

These obviously go without saying πŸ˜†

From the 2018 show

With the RAF flag at the campsite last year

RAF Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight

The BBMF is always a highlight of any airshow the sound of all the Merlin engines will never fail to bring a tear to my eye.

The RAF 100 formation from 2018 added the Dakota into the line up

The Lancaster coming into land

The final RAF display team I'm going to highlight is of course ...

RAF Typhoon

The Typhoon always puts on a cracking display but when it's performing in it's 'Blackjack' paintwork it's the cherry on top. These photos are from last year's show.

This is actually one of my favourite photos I've ever taken

This take off was super cool too- 


The RAF is going to be sending one of their F35s for a flypast and hover each of the days this year. I'm glad they're sending one on the Friday as I can't see the hover behind the trees on the campsite πŸ˜†

This was the Lockheed Martin F35 hovering at Farnborough 2016

Speaking of aircraft I've seen at Farnborough we have -

Spanish Harrier

I can't wait to see a Harrier again! They're one of my most-missed airshow participants since the RAF retired them back in 2010. So thank you to the Spanish Navy for sending a Harrier!

This is the Spanish Harrier at Farnborough 2014

Another air force that I'm super grateful to this year is the German air force because .....

German Tornados

My favourite aircraft ever! I've mourned the loss of them ever since the RAF retired them in 2019. The Luftwaffe are sending two for an air-to-air refueling demo on the Saturday and Sunday so I'll get to see flying Tornados once again! 

The Luftwaffe Tornado last year, the 'RIAT eye' made a great backdrop to photos

Belgian F16

The Belgian Air Component F16 always puts on a fantastic show and I'm really looking forward to seeing what they have planned this year. 

'Blizzard' at the 2017 show

'Dream Viper' last year

They also did this super cool landing that we were in a prime spot to see from the campsite -

Finnish F18

Speaking of US designed aircraft operated by other nations we have the Finnish F18. I always love F18s (especially since they appeared in Top Gun Maverick last year!).

Landing at the 2018 show

French Rafale

There was no Rafale at last year's show so this year will be a welcome return. The Rafales are also often painted in a really cool scheme. 

Navy Rafale in 2018

Air Force Rafale in 2018 

Swedish Gripen

Rounding off my pick of the fighter jet flying displays is the Swedish Gripen. I always think Gripens look super cool.

At the show last year

Italian Spartan

I always enjoy the Spartan, it's so manoeuvrable and it's display is always brilliant.



I've seen B52s a few times in flypasts at airshows and also one in Duxford's American Air Museum but it's been years and we should be nice and close to it's flight path at the campsite.


This is a really exciting addition to the flying line up! The ME262 was the world's first fighter jet and saw a limited amount of service at the end of WW2. Getting one at RIAT is a real coup. 


Speaking of early fighter jets there's also going to be a Meteor flying with the BBMF Lancaster on the Saturday and Sunday to celebrate the early years of RAF air to air refuelling (I never knew Lancasters were used for refuelling). 

And now for the static displays. The benefit of us going a day early on the Wednesday is that we stand a good chance of seeing some of them arrive as Thursday is normally the really busy day for arrivals. 

Greek Phantoms

First up is an aircraft that Dad and I have only ever seen in museums so to see one in the air would be absolutely fantastic. They arrived before we did at the 2017 show so here's hoping this year we beat them to it and I have one of the cameras handy!

Polish SU22

This was supposed to come last year but I think there was a problem with it. It's such a crazy looking plane I can't wait to see it. 

USAF U2 Spy Plane

We saw a U2 arriving as we were on our way to the 2017 show so it would be great to see one landing. Also check out this video of the crazy landing process that they have to go through each time with bonus pretty sunset.

Italian Tornados

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Italian Air Force and they're sending a large amount of aircraft to mark this including two Tornados. Again hopefully we'll see them arrive!

This was their flying display and cool paintwork at the 2017 show

That's all of my picks for the show (out of the literal 100s of aircraft that will be featured on the ground and in the air) , if you made it this far without falling asleep then a massive round of applause to you πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Oh and if the USAF are watching then please feel free to send one of these along on the Friday or Saturday .... and I don't mean the F15s .... If you don't ask you don't get!

UFO, I mean B2 Stealth Bomber, spotted over RAF Fairford 2018

Love Jen

PS Here are some videos from the 2017 & 2018 shows .

2017 & 2018 Footage from Townsend Farm -

2017 Show from RAF Fairford -

2018 Show from RAF Fairford -

2022 Show from RAF Fairford -

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