Monday, 24 July 2023

Halloween 2023 Chapter 1 - Code Orange! πŸŽƒ

Hello everyone and welcome to the first Halloween blog of 2023. Over the next few months I'll be investigating all the Halloween wares that shops and websites have to offer along with other spooky fun.

We're starting off the celebrations with good old TK Maxx who's store here in Eastbourne has quite a lot in already.

I won't be purchasing (Well trying not to anyway πŸ˜‚) as much this year as I'll only have my room to decorate. Also as a witch Halloween/Samhain is an important spiritual celebration and I want to keep that in mind with my rituals this year.

So here's what TK Maxx had to offer!

Most people like Christmas snow globes, I like Halloween snow globes!

Amongst the snow globes there was a haunted house that I'd really like for my 'Haunted House Shelf' so I may go back for it (🀞it's still there). 

The haunted shelf last year

Unfortunately the Halloween gonks are back for 2023 .......

Give me the er Halloween sparrow any day

I have the 'big' version of these little Pumpkins

I really like the book of spells cushion and may have to go back for it ... cushions are always practical right? .....

I have however definitely banned myself from any more Autumn/Halloween candles as I do have 100s 😬

I could of course buy lots of cooking accessories and terrify everyone!

Ironically I actually only came away with a lovely crystal. This gorgeous slice of Agate was on the shelf with the garden accessories (as you do) so at least I managed to get some witchiness into my day! 

Love Jen

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