Monday, 12 August 2019

Can's and Can'ts

I came across this photo on Pinterest the other day and it's so apt not just for me but for so many others living with hidden illnesses.

I can only speak for my experience and can say quite honestly that my illness controls everything I CAN and (mostly) CAN'T do.
Some days (read most days at the moment) I CAN'T see beyond getting down to the rabbit and the dog and getting them fed and ready for their days (or in Esme's case ready to go back to frowning in the top of the fort.

On far too many days I CAN'T make it to work as the thought of leaving the house and having to interact with people leaves me feeling physically sick. In that case all I CAN do is hide in bed angry and disgusted with myself.

Because my illness leaves me with little I CAN do of note (watching vast amounts of crap YouTube or taking epically long naps aren't a particularly important contribution to society) it's easy to fade into being someone that CAN'T be remembered as ever being fun or lively (not least by myself). When thinking about what someone CAN do, you think about their contributions and things they do for other people and themselves.

When you CAN'T do these things it's easier to take that step back and lose any motivation to pursue what you CAN do. You just sit and occasionally remember what you COULD have done.

Love Jen

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