Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Airbourne 2019 Preview

It's my favourite time of year Airbourne!

I'm the butt of a lot of jokes from friends and family about how devoted I am to my hometown airshow, I'll stand in the rain, wind and hail on the off-chance of hearing a Merlin engine or the roar of a jet. Whilst the weather isn't looking great for the next few days  (I have the blinds closed to the current wind and rain)  I'm going to try and keep positive and preview some of my favourite acts appearing along the seafront over the next few days. Click on the names of the acts for links to their webpages or social media.

Breitling Jet Team

The Breitlings are the main formation display team at this year's show as the Red Arrows are overseas. They are on of the premier display teams in the world so their appearance at Eastbourne is quite a coup.

These are a few photos I took of them at Farnborough Airshow back in 2012



RAF Typhoon

One of my favourite acts of any airshow! The noise, the speeds, the ridiculously sharp moves what's not to like? The Typhoon has been a regular act on the airshow scene for over 10 years now and it doesn't get old. Don't try talking to me during this one! 😆

In formation at the Trooping Of The Colour over London earlier this year
Displaying on the sea front  with it's special RAF 100 paintwork last year 


RAF Chinook

Time to renew my membership of the 'Wocka Wocka' fan club! Along with the Red Arrows the Chinook is an aircraft loved by geeks and non-geeks alike, it's easily recognisable and fun but also has an incredible service record (just look at the Chinook's work at Whaley Bridge earlier this year). Make sure you give them a wave when they open the back of the aircraft!

The Chinook's headlight was the only thing casting any light on the beach during Thursday's horrendous weather last year

The Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) pays tribute to 'the few' who fought in the Battle Of Britain in the summer of 1940 and also those who served in Bomber Command. A Dakota has joined the flight the last couple of seasons adding to the poignancy especially following this summer's D Day 75 commemorations.


Lancaster and Dakota
The D Day Fypast earlier this year

RAF Tucano

Sadly this will be the last season for the RAF's Tucano display as the type is retired of the year. The Tucano is really fun to watch, fast and manoeuvrable. 

The Tucano on a sunny day at Dunsfold Airshow back in June

Norwegian Historic Flight

The Norwegian Historic Flight has been a great supporter of Airbourne over the last few years. We've had their two Vampires in the past and this year sees the return of their MIG 15 and the debut of a T-33 Shooting Star. The MIG 15 is often lauded as one of the most successful fighter types of all time (normally drawing with the USAF F86 Sabre). I'm excited to see the T33 Shooting Star for the first time. The Shooting Star is a trainer from the same time period and entered service in the late 40s so would have been training people to dogfight with the MIG 15! 

The MIG 15 at last year's show

Ultimate Warbirds

The Ultimate Warbirds also make their display at this year's show. I'm really excited to see their P47 Thunderbolt, Mustang, Spitfire and Buchon (ME109). For me the more warbirds the better!!!! I saw their P47 Thunderbolt at Dunsfold Wings and Wheels earlier this year and it was an absolutely  fantastic display.

Another contribution from Norway for this year's show this time in the form of their Spitfire Foundation Sea Fury. The Sea Fury is one of my absolute favourite warbirds, their power is incredible. The photo below is of a different Sea Fury at Duxford Airshow back in 2017 but illustrates how beautiful a craft it is. 

The words P51 Mustang should be pretty self-explanatory! I've watched so many Mustangs over the years and I still love the sound of their Merlin engines combined with the whistle over their gun turrets. 

Miss Helen sparkling in the sunshine

Strikemaster Display

This year we have a combination of a solo (Thursday and Friday) and team (Saturday and Sunday) displays from the Strikemaster pair. The Strikemaster is an armed version of the Jet Provost basic trainer. The two displaying at Eastbourne served in the Oman and Saudi Arabian air forces. 

The Team at Dunsfold earlier this season

Pitts Special

Whatever you do don't miss Rich Goodwin and his Pitts Special! From the moment he powers along the crowdline sideways (yes really!) you won't catch your breath until the end of the display. 

The 2017 show

These are just a small sample of all the different acts on display this year. Have a great time and see you on the beach!

Love Jen

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