Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Wearing My Musical Heart On My Sleeve!

My cross-stitching exploits have been taking up all my time and creative energy lately and I wanted to try something else before I went off of stitching, familiarity breeding contempt and all that!

As so often happens my inspiration came from music, I was wandering around Primark and noticed the wall covered in biker-style jackets that icon of rock n roll attitude. I love a good biker jacket, I live in the one that Kay gave me a couple of years ago, and I thought how cool it would be to have a customised so I can show off all my favourite artists wherever I go!

So I grabbed some silver sharpies and this was the result (for some unknown reason it won't let me put the photos on the right way up! Bloomin computers *mutter & glare*)!

It's covered in all my favourites and I'm really, really pleased with how it's come out!

I took inspiration from 30 Seconds To Mars Kings & Queens video (my favourite song in the world!) with the Triad on Jared's jacket -

I've popped a few other Mars bits on too -

Arrows on the underarms
Glyphs on the collar

The jacket also stars artwork inspired by -

Jimi Hendrix & Led Zeppelin
Muse & Black Sabbath
My Chemical Romance

Green Day
Guns N Roses
Pink Floyd & The Pretty Reckless
Deap Valley
The Killers
Royal Blood
The Who
Sex Pistols
The Prodigy
Lady GaGa

I love my jacket so much and I can't wait to go out and about and show it off!

Rock N Roll forever!

Love Jen

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