Monday, 24 August 2015


No doubt you've all heard on the news about the horrendous disaster at Shoreham Airshow on Saturday, whilst I wasn't there (I was due to go the day after which was, quite rightly, cancelled) nor do I know anyone who was involved I felt I had to post something, just to convey my horror and sadness at the events. I won't be posting the link to this particular blog on Social Media (unlike I do with all my others) as the last thing friends and relatives of the victims need is some amateur giving her opinions on the events.


The Hunter that crashed just before half past one on Saturday was piloted by Andy Hill, an ex-Harrier pilot, British Airways captain. He also displays various other types - in fact I have seen him at various shows over the years displaying the Jet Provost, Bulldog and as part of the RV8TORS display team (just last week at Airbourne in fact). He was an incredibly talented and capable pilot and all I can just imagine his horror when he realised what was about to happen - the video shown across the news channels shows him desperately trying to avoid the road.


Tragically he wasn't able to avoid the road and innocent people have lost their lives in a horrific manner. The photos of the debris are like something from a disaster movie, but all too real. I must however mention that the people who felt the need to film the aftermath, the burnt out cars and plane wreckage and post it on social media are truely sick. If you can't help then for gods' sake please don't film it! Have some damn respect!


I can't even begin to imagine how the friends and relatives of all involved must feel, we must also remember though those at the airshow who also witnessed the crash and resulting fireball. I've been at an airshow, Biggin Hill about 14 years ago, when a pilot crashed and was killed - the whole crowd of 1000s of people just goes silent, it's horrible.


The media aren't being particularly helpful, on BBC News' Saturday night review of the papers one woman tried to say that airshows are incredibly dangerous and have killed lots of people over the years. The last time any member of the public was killed at an airshow was back in 1952 at the Farnborough Airshow when the DH101 (later to become the Sea Vixen) crashed into the crowd. Whilst there have been fatalities since, these have been restricted to pilots (in no way any less tragic) and not spectators. This is of course a completely different case as those killed and injured were not participating in the airshow as spectators. But the suggestion that airshows are somehow dangerous is utterly wrong and ill-informed.


Another comment on the same programme was a panelist speculating about whether we can "legislate against vintage jets flying at airshows". These aircraft were built for conflict, if there was any weakness in them they wouldn't have been allowed to continue being developed. Another point is that for any vintage aircraft to receive a flying permit they need to go through incredibly stringent tests, and even more stringent assessment is required before they receive their public display licence - in fact the most stringent tests in the world are applied to our aircraft. Of course a modern plane is in theory just as likely to crash through technical failure or pilot error (I hasten to add this is no way speculation on Saturday's incident!) these things happen.


This morning another question on the news was "Should these Hunters be allowed to complete looping manouvers?" - back in 1958 22 Hunters performed a loop the loop - 22! I feel that answers that question.  It was also pointed out that the Hawk T1s used by the Red Arrows are also ageing airframes but are regularly thrown about the skies. This afternoon the Civil Aviation Authority has put a temporary ban on vintage jets performing anything other than fly pasts, I hope this is lifted as soon as the investigation is concluded. These beautiful ladies were built to perform these manouvers. However I totally accept that safety MUST come first.


I can't really say any more than that I'm heartbroken over what has happened and so so so so sorry to the victims, their friends and familes and also to Andy Hill and his friends and family who will be suffering just as much.


RIP and I'm so sorry.


Love Jen



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