Monday, 10 August 2015

Further Airbourne Prep

An important part of my prep for the upcoming Airbourne festivities aside from charging my 3 cameras (yes 3! My SLR for photos, my bridge camera for back-up and my little Fuji T500 for videoing the proceedings) is watching all my favorite plane films and also compiling my airshow playlist!

It takes a whole lot of effort to be this geeky!

Films -

In the week (ok let's be honest month) leading up to Airbourne I indulge in my favorite aviation themed movies to further whip up my excitement - not that it needs much encouragement!

Top Gun -

Quite obviously my favorite film of all time! I must have watched it at least 300 times since I saw it for the first time as a kid. No joke I can quote the film in it's entirety (the first line is "Morning Scott" and the final line is "I don't know, but it's looking good so far" just in case you don't believe me!).

Apparently it's one of the most quoted films of all time which doesn't suprise me. I can find a Top Gun quote for nearly every situation, quite clearly a talent I feel!

The cinematography is stunning, the soundtrack is fantastic (more of that later). And if that doesn't convince you ladies (and gents) it has Tom Cruise in uniform and the infamous volleyball scene. What's not to like?

Battle Of Britain -

This gem from the 60s stars the who's who of British actors from the era. It depicts the story of the brave pilots defending Britain from the Nazi bombardment. It manages to be poignant without being over-dramatic. It also has a beautiful soundtrack (again more of that later!). To make the film 100s of Spitfires and Hurricanes that had been retired or were being used as gate guards at RAF bases around the country were rushed back into serviceability to star in it. My Dad watched the filming over the South Downs and said the sight of the warbirds dogfighting was amazing.

The Dambusters -

Made in 1955 this film documents the story of Barnes Wallis, his bouncing bomb and the heroics of 617 Squadron bombing the dams in the Rhur valley. Fantastic!

Planes TV previous shows -

Planes TV film at various airshows around the country and produce high quality DVDs from each show (along with a British Airshows DVD each year showing highlights of all the shows around the country). Working for them is one of my dream jobs! Although I do worry that I'll accidentally wander through the background at some point looking gormless!

Airshow Mixtape

As you all know music plays an incredibly important part in my life so it only makes sense that I have an airshow playlist all of my own! A large portion is made up of soundtracks from various films (suprise suprise!) and the rest are songs that remind me of airshows or particular aircraft. 

1. Top Gun OST

This is an obvious one! In the run up to the show the Top Gun theme is used as my alarm clock -

Then Danger Zone usurps 30 Seconds To Mars as my ringtone. 

My ultimate Airbourne/Top Gun moment came in 2004 when during the Tornado (my favorite plane) display they soundtracked it with Cheap Tricks' 'Mighty Wings'. The combination of my favorite plane and favorite film caused far too much excitement!

2 . Dambusters March -

Not much explanation needed here. It will now always remind me of the two Lancasters flying at the show last year which was one of the most stunning sights I've ever seen at an airshow. 

3 . Battle Of Britain Theme

This is a beautiful piece of music and incredibly emotive. 

4. Nimrod - Elgar

Going incredibly highbrow here! I've heard this soundtrack solo Spitfire displays and it always brings a tear to my eye. 

5. Blur - Song 2

I already loved this song and I loved it even more when I came across this montage of Tornado footage set to the song! 

I also happened to be walking along listening to this song a couple of years ago when I got buzzed by a Hawk doing it's Airbourne practice cementing it's place on my playlist!

6. Guns N Roses - Welcome To The Jungle

I once saw a video on YouTube (do you see a theme developing here?) where someone had filmed the Typhoon's display and put this song over the top. Try as I might I can't find it anywhere so it's either been taken down or I dreamt it ........... Enjoy the song anyway!

7. Disney's Planes OST

I was initially skeptical when I heard about this film but I actually really liked it! The film's release coincided with Airbourne 2013 and the Red Bull Matadors were painted as the two main characters Dusty & Ripslinger. This is the main song from the soundtrack, is as cheesy as hell and I quite love it!

8. 30 Seconds To Mars - Closer To The Edge

Before anyone rolls their eyes this has a genuine reason for inclusion on the list! Firstly it soundtracked the fantastic 2010 airshow season for me (I'd quit a rubbish job and spent the summer at airshows - win!) and was used by the Belgian F16 as the soundtrack to it's Airbourne display in 2013. Awesome jet and the best band in the world - perfect!

I hope you've enjoyed my geek mix of music and films. If you're going to the show then I'll see you on the beach!

Have fun!

Love Jen

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