Saturday, 18 October 2014

Things That Go Bump (or not) In The Night

Anyone who knows me well will tell you that sleeping makes up a large part of my life, I love nothing more than a good afternoon nap, in fact I find I sleep better and more deeply than I do at night.

I've written before about when sleep turns on me with nightmares and anxiety dreams. What fascinates me is that grey area between waking and sleeping when elements of your dreams are still visible when you're awake.

I often have what I like to call "waking up hallucinations" when I have been in a light sleep and look up to my ceiling to see a giant spider casually wandering across, or a leaf unfurling from the bunting that hangs above my bed. These are a nightly occurance and I'm just used to them now (luckily I'm not scared of spiders really!).

The last couple of nights have been a little more disconcerting, I've woken in the middle of the night convinced that something is in my room poised to attack me. Even my logical middle of the night working things out is failing me here. It normally runs as thus-

1. Can you see anything in the room?

2. Is it morning?

3. Have the buns entered the house and are demanding breakfast?

4. Is the spectre likely to have dust allergies in which case there is no way it will be under the bed, a sneezing ghoul is not particularly effective.

5. If it's a burglar they would take one look at the mess of my room and run screaming rather that try and work their way through the mess to find valuables.

6. If I'm about to be abducted by aliens it doesn't say much for the cross section of humanity they've decided to study!

7. Finally if something is out there to disturb my slumber they really better be bearing tea!!!

I laugh and joke but it really is most disconcerting when your brain tries to convince you of a threat that doesn't exist. Worst is everytime I drift off to sleep I suddenly wake back up in a panic.
Of course my best weapon in all this is the volume of my snoring...........

Love Jen

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