Tuesday, 21 October 2014

25 Songs

The great thing about Pinterest is that people who know me often send me pins they know I'll love, take for example this pin that Helen sent me.

Now me being me I like to do things a lil differently and being a massive music lover I feel that I need to list these all at once in an excited frenzy! I'd love to see what songs any of you my lovely readers pick too, pop me a comment in the comments section or tweet me @JenRaeFrances or Facebook me if you're old skool! 

01. A Song From Your Childhood - My immediate answer to this one was to list one of the songs from the Lion King soundtrack but I've saved that for another answer (reasons will become apparent). So I'm actually going to list the Christmas carol Away In A Manger here in order to make my parents smile/grimace. Like most kids I was crazy excited every Christmas Eve, one particular year when I was about 7/8 I just would not go to sleep, my poor parents were kept awake by the sound of me singing Away In A Manger through the baby monitor (I still shared a room with Chris then) at 5am, personally I think I was just keeping the Christmas spirit alive!

02. A Song That Reminds You Of Your Most Recent Ex-Boy/Girl Friend - God Only Knows by The Beach Boys, Adi used to sing this to make me laugh when I was having a bad day. Now when I hear it it just makes me sad,  it doesn't help that it's the BBC's Children In Need song this year so is everywhere!

03. A Song That Reminds You Of One/Both Of Your Parents - The song that reminds me of Dad is Pink Floyd -Comfortably Numb, it's his favorite song by his favorite band. I get my love of music from him and over the last few years I've come to really like and understand Floyd's music. When I hear their songs it reminds me of driving through France on holidays. The song that reminds me of Mum is The Streets - Fit But You Know It, we both like to sing this in the car and no matter how many times we hear it the "I think I'm going to fall over" at the end of the song never fails to crack us up. 

04. A Song That Calms You Down - I find most music can be mood altering or can intensify your mood, e.g a song that makes you really really happy. I don't really go in for "chill out" music so I guess the nearest I have to calming music would be something like Lana Del Ray or maybe Nirvana Unplugged In New York.

05. A Song That Is Often Stuck In Your Head - I'm one of these people who suffers badly from earworms so it's often a song I've heard over the last few hours/day or so. Today I've had "Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" from the movie Frozen stuck in my head due to the amount of snowman items popping up in shops!

06. A Song That Reminds You Of A Best Friend - I actually allocate songs to my nearest and dearest that remind me of them because music is so important to me it seems right that the people important to me get a song!

The song that reminds me of Helen is 30 Seconds To Mars - Closer To The Edge. We met because of 30STM and I will always be grateful to them and particularly this song that she's part of my life. Plus it's a tune and I'm technically in the video!

Any song from Muppet Treasure Island or Muppet Christmas Carol reminds me of Chris as we always love watching those films, however the song that sticks out is Marley & Marley from Muppet Christmas Carol as me and Chris were singing it loudly as we hung the Chrismas Decorations last year, leaving poor Vana with a slightly frightened expression!

Journey - Don't Stop Believing Is mine & Hilary's song, we follow the ritual of confirming that we can hear Journey and then running to the source of the music in order to enjoy it further!

Me and Lydia used to enjoy rousing renditions of Chris De Burgh - A Spaceman Came Travelling whilst waiting at the bus stop at college, these served to keep us warm on cold winter days and to embarrass Hilary!

Me and Rach share a guilty pleasure of Taylor Swift's Red album & We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together reminds me of driving to Brighton in her car with Helen attempting to defend her ears against my singing (this is unfortunately a common occurrence). 

Whenever I hear Lady GaGa - Bad Romance it reminds me of the amazing evening that me and Luke had at the Monster Ball in Feb 10. It was one of the best live shows I have ever been to and such good fun *paws up*

The Prodigy - Out Of Space brings back the evening not so long ago when Barry was teaching me the finer points of windmill dancing. 

Without James I would never have learned that the Thomas The Tank Engine Theme can be mixed with almost any song with genius results, trust me look it up on Youtube! 

The song that reminds me of Kay is the I Like To Move It song from Madagascar whenever we meet up one of us will start singing it! 

Me and Gem share a very similar musical taste but I'm going to say 30 Seconds To Mars - The Kill because you were the first person I knew who liked them too and we er watched this video a lot...... 

07. A Song That Reminds You Of The Past Summer - This is going to be a tie between two songs from two albums that I've really enjoyed listening to this summer, the first is End Of The World - Deap Valley and the other is Little Monster - Royal Blood.

08. A Song That Reminds You Of Your "First Love" - The answer to this will now explain my answer to question 1. I covered first and only boyfriend earlier on this list so I had to think about what my loves were growing up and aside from my many and varied collection of stuffed animals when I was a kid my other big love was music. The first music I really, really loved passionately was the Lion King Soundtrack which I still proudly have on my ipod. I've chosen Circle Of Life as that has always been my favorite song from the film and would still be in my top 10 favorite songs ever list! There's also a video of me and Chris singing it on a campsite in Dorset .... as you do ......

09. A Song That Makes You Hopeful - There's a few songs coming to mind for this one, all with very good reasoning. I think purely from a music snobbery point of view I'm going to go with Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit because of the kick up the arse it gave the music industry, making the world sit up and take notice of underground music. I'm therefore hopeful (see what I did there) that someone like them will come along soon and kill off One Direction! I also chose this because it's a song that really cheers me up when I'm having a bad day, Nirvana are my other favorite band and I felt they needed their own answer on this list. 

10. A Song By Your Favorite Band - Well you all know it's going to be a 30 Seconds To Mars song, I've chosen Attack as this was the song that piqued my interest in them. I just thought it was a really good song,  a different sound and a band I wanted to explore further. 16 concerts, 3 holidays, 5 Meet & Greet Photos and 2 tattoos down the line it's lucky I did really! 

11. A Song On The Soundtrack Of Your Favorite Movie - Since I've already covered The Lion King I now move onto my joint favorite movie Top Gun. I've loved Top Gun since the first time I saw it aged 10 and I'm not joking when I say I've probably watched it about 200 times. It has the perfect combination of planes, an awesome soundtrack brilliant cinematography oh and Tom Cruise in uniform! When I'm off to an airshow I always have this album on super loud, the song I've chosen from it is Cheap Trick - Mighty Wings which was played during the Tornado display during Airbourne one year, my favorite plane and favorite movie were combined at last!

12. The Last Song You Heard - Amy Winehouse - Back To Black whilst walking around Asda. Now that her songs aren't constantly being shoved down my throat on the radio I do quite like them. However her cover of Valerie isn't a patch on the original by The Zutons!

13. A Song That Reminds You Of A Former Friend - Green Day - Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life) reminds me of Nat who passed away in 2008, we had quite different musical tastes but Green Day were one band we agreed on and this song and it's poignant lyrics "It's something unpredictable but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life" remind me of her. When I saw them live in 2009  I had to leave before they played this song at the end of the show as it was still too raw, I still struggle to listen to it today. 

14. A Song That Reminds You Of Your Boy/Girl Friend- errr yeah think we'll have to leave that one ...................

15. A Song You Love Singing Along To - 4 Non Blondes - What's Up Linda Perry has an amazing voice and you can really let rip singing along to this one, just make sure you're alone if your voice is as bad as mine!!!

16. A Song That Has Made You Cry - Hardly anything makes me cry but music is one thing that does. Loads of songs have caught me and bought me to tears in the past such as the Green Day song in question 13. My answer to this one will be quite surprising for a lot of people knowing my dislike of the band but it's Coldplay - Fix You. Firstly it's another song that Nat liked but would sometimes cry to and it also reminds me of Adi as he was a big Coldplay fan. It's a song about trying to help someone through their pain and ultimately I couldn't help Nat through hers so it always chokes me up and on occasion makes a tear or two leak out. 

17. A Song That Makes You Want To Dance - Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze one of the best guitar riffs ever!!! I challenge you not to move when this comes wailing out of your speakers, I can't help but rock out to this one.

18. A Song You Love But Rarely Listen To - I have quite a few of these, a lot of time they are ones from the years I was at college because I was so happy and high then which can be a contrast to how I feel a lot of the time now. So on a bad day I can't listen to those songs. I'm going to pick Foo Fighters - Best Of You as this reminds me of the summer we finished college and they were headlining Reading Festival and it was just an awesome weekend. 

19. The First Song Alphabetically In Your iPod/iTunes - I'll go with my iPod as the iTunes on my laptop is the slowest thing in the world, in a race with a milk float (ask your parents kids) the milk float would win! Anyways I digress, the first song on my iPod is "A Bomb In Wardour Street" - The Jam.

20. The Last Song Alphabetically In Your iPod/iTunes - 93 Million Miles - 30 Seconds To Mars

21. Your Favorite Song - 30 Seconds To Mars - Kings & Queens This song can drag me out of the lowest mood and brings back so many happy memories, My favorite line is "In Defence Of Our Dreams" which is next on my list of tattoos to get. 

22. A Song That Someone Has Sung To You - Well aside from live concerts where you technically pay an artist to sing to you, or conversations with friends that go "It's the song that goes ......" or Helen's charming re-interpretations of various songs I don't think anyone has gone out of their way to sing to me. So I'm going to cheat a little and say Summer Nights from Grease which me, Lydia & Hilary have enjoyed perfecting over the years. 

23. A Song That You Cannot Stand To Listen To - Arrrrgh so so so many songs just make me cross!!!! The worst thing is when you hate a song on the first listen and it gets picked up by radio stations and played to death. I remember when Craig David - Fill Me In came out in late 99/early 00, I thought it was awful when I first heard it, unfortunately all our local radio stations initiated a policy of playing it once an hour for about 3 months by which time I was ready to commit murder every bloody time I heard it. Just thinking about that god awful song makes my blood boil now!

24. A Song You Have Danced To With Your Best Friend - I can't say that me and Helen particularly go in for dancing, however Helen has mastered the rocking-on-your-heels-to-make-it-look-like-you're-jumping technique which is incredibly useful at gigs when you're being implored to "jump jump" from the stage at the start of 30 Seconds To Mars - Night Of The Hunter

25. A Song You Could Listen To All Day Without Getting Tired Of - This is a toughie as I do try not to over-listen to even my favorite bands as the worst thing would be getting bored of them. I can go a week between listening to a Mars, Nirvana or Green Day track to make sure they still sound fresh to me. So whilst there are a lot of songs that if I let myself I would play on repeat I never do. And yes that is a cop out answer!

Love Jen

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