Sunday, 21 September 2014

Photo Therapy

Today's the first day that I'm starting to feel a little more normal again. I woke up only feeling mildly sad and panicked rather than terrified and depressed like I have been the past few days. 

The thought of going back to work is still making me feel physically sick but I'm going to have to bite the bullet when my sign-off is finished on 3rd Oct. It's not even that I dislike my job or the people I work with, until everything kicked off I genuinely loved what I did and looked foward to going in everyday. Now I just feel like everyone thinks I'm a liability and are waiting for me to trip up again. I still just don't see the way foward. 

I've been trying to use my time off wisely, amongst the watching of bad Youtube documentaries, naps, nail painting and catching up with the stack of magazines I'd accumulated; I've been trying to take my camera out as much as possible to snap the Autumn colours that are popping up all over the place. As much as I dislike Autumn as a season I do love it's colours and the misty sunshine. 

I've said before that I find taking my camera out very helpful to my mind, when I'm trying to get a shot right I have to focus all my thoughts on the set up and what I want to be prominent in the photo. When I'm that deep in there's no room for my other invasive thoughts or worries, it's an hour or two's respite from the civil war currently raging in my brain. 

I've popped a couple of photos from Friday's photo session in Pevensey and Saturday's in Gilderidge Park at the top of the blog. Hope you like them!

Love Jen

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