Tuesday, 2 September 2014

We Wrote A Book!

I'm incredibly excited to announce that I am officially a published author! I still can't get used to saying that, and keep muttering it to myself in a slightly insane manner as I feel it rolls off the tongue rather well!

Myself and a number of other Blurt Foundation Bloggers and Writers have all contributed to 'Blurt It Out' a E-Book with our stories of living with depression. 

You can pre-order the book on a "Pay what you want" basis until it's official launch on 15th September (after this it'll cost £3.49) at this address ‎http://blurtitout.org/the-book/ . I'm really hoping that it will be popular enough to justify print copies too, I can't imagine how excited I'd be to hold a book in my hand that includes my work! 

On a serious note all the writers have worked so so hard on their stories, often sharing some very personal and heart-rending stuff so please if you can spare a few pennies to download the book then please visit the address above and nag your friends and family to do the same. It would mean the world to all of us who've contributed and help The Blurt Foundation carry on the brilliant work it does. 

Love Jen (aka published author squeeeee)

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