After Friday's blog I wanted to end the weekend on a positive note and share some of the photos I've taken over the last couple of weekends. Whilst I don't claim to be anything special in the photography stakes (you should check it my brother Chris' photos - they're amazing I do find going for a wander, camera in paw, extremely therapeutic.
I've still got lots to learn and a lot of experimenting to do but here's a few nice, spring photos. I hope you like them!
Of course I named him Absolom |
I love blossom! |
Of course nothing beats two adorable bunnies and your best friend to set you back right!
Me and Esme |
Helen and Esme |
Me and Estelle |
My Stelly, what muddy paws you have! |
Hope every one of you has had a good weekend!
Love Jen
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