Friday, 28 March 2014

Pick N Mix

Apologies for the lack of blogging action lately, it's been a pretty tough couple of weeks with a lot of stress at work which has really pushed my "not self-harming" limits. Thankfully I have been able to quell the urge. In fact since my blog about self-harming a couple of weeks ago I have contacted Rethink who's article about Peer Support inspired the blog about whether I could get involved with peer-supporting. I haven't had anything concrete back yet but the person I contacted has passed my details onto someone who wants to set up a support group so watch this space … I've also been thinking that I'd like to do some kind of fundraising for Mind and Rethink as I've found the support on their websites and through speaking to people who work with them on Twitter brilliant. They've also been kind enough to publish some of my blogs and the reception I've had because of that has been brilliant. I've already ruled out anything involving running because, as my Dad so eloquently put it "that would go against your life's ambition of breaking into anything more than a trot" (love you Dad) and any kind of climbing of large hills or mountains. I was thinking maybe some kind of tea party like my friend Kayleigh had recently for the Brain Trust. I could stock up on tea and cake and make some bits to sell to raise a few more pennies. I just want to try and give something back and hopefully ensure that other people get the support I have.
Although it has been a tough couple of weeks there have been some very bright spots. Last Tuesday me & Helen hopped on the train to Portsmouth to visit Kay. I always forget how pretty the scenery is between here and Portsmouth, especially passing Arundel Castle and Chichester Cathedral. There was a small geeking incident when as the train went past Shoreham Airport I noticed that they had a Tornado parked up as a gate guard, the ensuing excitement meant that I missed an entire field of Shetland Ponies and Miniature Goats! I am also happy to announce that there is now photographic evidence of me on a boat not groaning and looking green …. Admittedly it was a close run thing and I argue that the ability to get seasick in 3 and a half minutes is a talent so there! We finally got to meet Kay's furbabies the dogs Millie Moo & Max and the bunnies Clover, Button Boo, Barney Wabbit and Lily Lou much cooing and cuddling was of course in order! It was also really lovely to meet Kayleigh and Seth, Seth is adorable and so bright and that is coming from someone who does normally "do" babies, he totally won me over and I was clucking like a good 'un! We spent the afternoon at Gunwarf Quay shopping centre, a large portion of which was spent in the Lindt shop yum! I also felt it was rude not to visit the Dr Martens factory store and was rewarded by finally getting my grubby paws on a pair of bright red boots I've been lusting after for ages. A week later I still find myself staring lovingly at their beauty. I had a really great day with two of my best friends and we've since booked to go to London Zoo in June for further squeeing at cute creatures!
I'm also incredibly excited for the new Formula 1 season, I've only gotten into it over the last 2/3 years because of Helen & Chris but I love it! I actually really enjoy getting up at silly o'clock for races and watching it get light outside whilst I watch the race. It's also notable for the appearance of Chris pre-9am on a weekend! I know a lot of people have been complaining that it's not exciting anymore but I think those fears can be allayed after the Australian Grand Prix. I'm hoping that McLaren do well this season, and on the strength of the last race's performances it's looking good!
This weekend Helen is off so we're off to London tomorrow to go and see the Veronese Renaissance exhibition (how cultured are we!) at the National Gallery. I'm hoping that all the blossom will be out in Green Park too, it's one of my favourite places to walk through in the city and you all know I love a good blossom photo! I feel that the trip may also have to pause at the Helen-Mecca that is M&M World in order for us to stock up on sustaining nutrition. You all know how much I love London and wandering around it's parks, galleries, markets etc so keep your fingers crossed for good weather!
Have a good weekend!
Love Jen

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