Monday, 9 September 2013

Very Excited Blog

I'm incredibly excited to report that Rethink Mental Health have chosen to publish one of my blogs on their Your Voice Extra Tumblr site. Your Voice is Rethink's members magazine and Your Voice Extra is it's digital version.

Here I am!

To say I'm excited would be an understatement, it's an amazing feeling knowing that someone has judged the random words that I type have some merit and more importantly may make a difference to someone else in the same position. You can find the post in all it's glory at

I'm done with whining and crying about being stuck with depression & anxiety, it's a fact of my life that my brain has this chemical imbalance. The important thing is for me to try and live my life, do the things I enjoy and look after my family and friends. 

Lately though I have also been thinking that I would like to help other people who may not be as lucky as I am and have friends and family I can turn to. I want them to know that they aren't alone and that there is a slow path out of the dark. So I have joined Rethink and will be applying to be part of their fundraising team, I've also signed up with Time To Change and hopefully they'll find a use for me too! 

Love Jen


Ps a few links you may find useful -

Rethink's Website
Time To Change Website

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