Tuesday, 3 September 2013

My Chemical Romance

Hooray I finally got to name check one of my favourite bands in a blog title, I realise this now sets a precedence for future blog posts entitled 30STM, Nirvana, Lady GaGa and obviously One Direction ……… Come back I'm kidding!

Not been blogging much the past few days as I've been pretty low and I really didn't want to post whilst I was in that state of mind. On Sunday I went to Shoreham Airshow with Helen and some other friends (check out a couple of the pics above) it was perfect Airshow weather, sunny but not too hot with some cloud to spot the planes easily against. I'm really getting into photography at the moment and gaining lots of enjoyment from it (another thing to put on the Things That Cheer Jenni Up list hooray!). I'm finally learning what all the different settings on my 2 cameras do (I know 2 cameras sounds somewhat extortionate but in my defence they get used for different things. My 'big' camera has a great zoom lens on it and is great for photographing planes, landscapes and obviously far away objects. My 'little' camera is great for photographing my friends, the bunnies, flowers, sunsets and at gigs). 

Getting to the point of the blog's title, yesterday I went to my GP (I feel some sort of fanfare is in order for me just managing to get an appointment!) as I want to change off my current Anti-Depressant, Sertraline, which I have been on for a year and has had little effect aside from making me put on weight. Since I've already tried a number of other anti-depressants over the years (Citolopram, Duloxetine & Fluoxetine for you tick-list fans) I'm starting to get limited to what I can try. My GP has prescribed Venlafaxine (http://www.nhs.uk/medicine-guides/pages/MedicineOverview.aspx?condition=Depression&medicine=Venlafaxine&preparation=Venlafaxine 37.5mg tablets ) which isn't one I've heard of before, but a quick Google has told me it's another SSRI drug. I've also had my traditional giggle at some of the potential side effects (if I suffer Erectile Dysfunction I promise you'll all be the first to know). Apparently my previous drugs were all 'entry level' Anti-Depressants and this is the next level up which makes me feel very important and special :p

To be serious for a moment I am really hoping that once I've come off of the Sertraline and gotten over the onslaught of side-effects from drug changing (the worst was going from Duloxetine to Fluoxetine it was like having a permanent Percussion Group in my head – all sorts of pops and wizzes going off!) this may give me the extra push along with my anxiety pills (Propanolol), counselling, self-prescribed arts n crafts therapy & amazing family and friends I may be able to get myself onto the slow road to recovery.

Love Jen


Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

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