Monday, 23 September 2013

Here We Are Now, Entertain Us - What Kurt Cobain Means To Me

Today after work I rushed to HMV to buy the special edition of Nirvana's third studio album 'In Utero'. Normally I don't buy re-issued CDs if I already have them (ok ok apart from 30STM ones with free DVDs) but since Nirvana are my other favorite band and there were a whole load of unreleased songs on it I figured it was an acceptable purchase.

Scarily this was first released 20 years ago!

I was only 7 when Kurt Cobain killed himself so was aware of him, Nirvana's music or the legacy it was to leave. I was probably more worried about (in no particular order) biscuits, Disney and my parents letting me have a pet of some description. 

I first became aware of Nirvana and their music around the end of secondary school and seriously got into them during my first year of college. I was instantly attracted to the raw sound of their music, it spoke to me and appealed to my still raw emotions after years of bullying at school. Kurt's lyrics were of alienation among many other things and gave a voice to all of us who had experienced the same. 

If I could travel back to the early 90s and see Nirvana live I would in a heartbeat, their energy was stunning. They could be loud and gritty but as proved by their MTV Unplugged performance their music was also beautiful and tender. I challenge you to watch this clip and not be moved -

Of course there are all sorts of legends around Cobain himself, and his relationship with Courtney Love - I don't think the rumours that she was responsible for him death will ever die down but to be honest I'm not interested. I'm focused on the amazing music that the band produced from 1989's Bleach up until 1993's In Utero and also the fantastic "With The Lights Out" boxset that was released in 2004 to mark the 10th anniversary of Kurt's death. 


Nevermind (the one with Smells Like Teen Spirit)


In Utero (Happy 20th Birthday)

From The Muddy Banks Of The Wishkah (My first Nirvana album purchase for all you fact fans)

The following albums were released after Kurt's death in April 1994

Unplugged In New York

There were no further released until the greatest hits with the previously unreleased "You Know You're Right" which introduced a whole new generation  (Including me) to their music

Then at Christmas 2004 an amazing treat, 3 CDs and 1 DVDs worth of previously unreleased music and footage. 

With The Lights Out

This did set a trend and the following year another set of unreleased songs appeared entitled 'Sliver'

I'll admit I don't own this CD, it was panned by the music press as scraping the barrel and I didn't want to spoil the enjoyment I'd gotten from With The Lights Out.

The next release was far better, it was the CD & DVD of their infamous Reading performance 

This is what a live concert should be - take note Coldplay!

It's impossible to overstate Nirvana's legacy on music. Bands and artists as diverse as Snow Patrol, Ash and even Dizzie Rascal name them as influences, the Red Hot Chilli Peppers even pay tribute to Kurt in the lyrics of Californication ("Cobain can you hear the spheres spinning songs off station to station"). You can directly see Cobain's influence in my favorite band 30 Seconds To Mars' live performances, taking the concert to the crowd (quite literally in Jared's case with his habit of launching himself into the crowd).

Kurt over the crowd

Jared in the crowd in London  (taken by yours truely)

Other musicians that owe a debt to Nirvana are plentiful, the entire Emo movement owes a debt to Kurt's lyrical style. The dark lyrics with a wry sense of humor. Bands who eschew the 'Rockstar Lifestyle' are mirroring Cobain's choices 2 decades ago. 

At the end of the day whether you're a fan of Kurt & Nirvana or not, what you cannot deny is that they helped revolutionize the music industry, killed off the poodle permed hair metallers and most importantly left behind some amazing music, and that music is the most important legacy that will live forever. 

RIP Kurt.

Love Jen


Now do me a favour and turn this up LOUD!

Bright Lights, Big City - London Fun

Last week I was lucky enough to spend a couple of days in London. As you all know I adore London and am up there at every opportunity I get.

Woo Hoo it's off to London I go!

Me and Helen spent the first day in a nice relaxed manner wandering down to Westminster -

How 'London' is this photo?

We then headed over to St James' Park which is always brilliant for taking photos as there's so much wildlife, beautiful flowers and stunning architecture surrounding it. 

Believe it or not this former duck house is used as offices, how lovely would it be to work in here?

After the park we decided it was only sensible to spot for a spot of tea and cake -

Beware gratuitous Red Velvet cake photo!

Suitably refreshed we checked into our hotel. We stayed at Northumberland House  which was right on the edge of Trafalgar Square. It's used by the London School Of Economics most of the year as dorm rooms and rented out as a hotel out of term. It was in a beautiful Jacobean building. 

Yes I made poor Helen do the "Outside the hotel" pose

Since we were so close to Trafalgar Square we decided it was only right to be cultural and visit the National Gallery before it closed. I never fail to be bowled over by how bright and vivid the colours are on paintings that are several centuries old, let's be honest I could spend all day in the gallery wandering around with my mouth open - attractive I know!

Yep I've been playing with Picasa again

Early evening in Trafalgar Square

We weren't sure about the blue chicken on the 4th plinth either, still it was most certainly a conversation starter!

After all the, er, culture we had built up quite an appetite and headed to the Wagamama conveniently situated behind the gallery (Anyone would've thought it had been built just for us)

To work off all the yummy food we took a walk up to Regent Street, I love that you can still go shopping at 8pm in London, it makes it more of an adventure somehow .......... or maybe I need to get out more.

Tourists on the loose!

Yes we were still talking about the bloomin chicken!

The Theatre Royal

Piccadilly Circus

Regent Street

You may have guessed I love taking photos of cities at night, here are a few highlights!


I wish I'd been here in it's 60s heyday

Yes I fully approve of Irregular Choice's window!

The Theatre Royal from another angle

Our walk was paused with the traditional foray into M&M World -

Helen makes a new friend

Ok I admit I was on a noodle & sugar high!

We stopped to snap a last few photos of Trafalgar Square before heading back to the hotel

Nelson, The Moon, The London Eye & a Blue Chicken, not items you'd normally put together! 

We were up bright and early the next day to pick up a few essentials ...... yes we went to Waterstones but can you blame us when it was in a building as pretty as this?

Then it was onto the main event of the day, meeting lots of other bunny mad Twitter friends!

Maddie & Yvonne


Tiffany & Jordan

My two bestest friends Kay & Helen!

Me & Helen

We decided to vist theWallace Collection I'll let the photos speak for themselves ....

Yes we even found a bunny!

It's funny how arts and culture can make you hungry so we headed to a Wetherspoons in Tottenham Court Road that turned out to be the the site of the Marquee Club . I was obviously excited to be standing on music history!

I did warn you I was over excited!

The walls were also covered with loads of cool memorabilia from the legends that played there

 We're in the Marquee Club!

After the pub we all sadly had to go our separate ways (for me and Helen this meant a long train ride back to Eastbourne sat next to two guys I feel it would have been perfectly legal to murder!) thank you to you all for making it such a fun day and special thank you as always to Helen for being the perfect Citybreak friend!

Love Jen


Ps here's a few top tips -

1. If you're travelling to and from London by train using Southern and are staying overnight then buy 2 day travel cards 1 for the day you travel up and the other to return on. This'll save you about £30 on an overnight return ticket!

2. The duck dumplings in Wagamana 'nuff said

3. The Wallace Collection is a lovely museum, it's just behind Selfridges but does get as much of the hustle and bustle that more well known museums do. It's got beautiful paintings, an armory for the boys in the group and best of all it's free!

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...