I can't believe we're hurtling towards the end of the year already with the airshow season already behind us. As with previous years (2021 & 2022 ) I thought it would be nice to have a little round up of this year's aviation adventures.
You can also find a video of my favourite aviation moments of this year on my YouTube channel.
Before I get stuck into the main moments of the year I just wanted to pop in a couple of flypasts that came past us here in Eastbourne this year.
This RAF A400M popping by to say hello
This incredibly low RAF Hercules at the harbour
One April day whilst Dad and I were in the garden minding our own business building rabbit hutches (Dad) and throwing the ball for Eos (me) we were treated to a ground-shaking flypast by these 6 USAF Chinooks. It turned out that they were en route to Ireland to meet Joe Biden.
The first aviation event 'proper' of the year was when I went up to London to watch the flypast for the King's Coronation (A slightly soggy royal day out). Unfortunately the flypast was pretty much rained off (an omen of things to come for some of the season ahead) aside from the helicopters and the Red Arrows.
Apaches & a Wildcat
Chinooks & a Puma
The Red Arrows
As you can hear from the video despite the rain the crowd were still in good spirits.
I gave London-based flypasts another go in June for Trooping The Colour (A far less soggy royal day out) when I heard that the MOD were going to fly the formations planned for the Coronation and I wasn't disappointed.
Our new F35 jets
The BBMF's aircraft making The Mall shake
The last flypast over London for the RAF's Hercules fleet before they were retired at the end of June
I knew the RAF would come up with something special with these Typhoons
The Red Arrows with the new 'Envoy' aircraft
One of the few 'Chinook moments' of the year came from Eastbourne's Armed Forces Day when we had a flypast (complete with the obligatory giant waving hands!).
Our first full on airshow of the year was Headcorns' Battle Of Britain Airshow (Headcorn airshow 2023). I always enjoy Headcorn as it's a smaller show meaning you can get up nice and close to the aircraft on the ground such as this Hurricane.
My DSLR camera decided that it was the day to give up the ghost (thankfully it was fixed ahead of RIAT) so I had to rely on lifting images from my videos.
Hurricane getting airborne
One of Headcorn's highlights is always it's Battle Of Britain dogfight set-piece.
There were two 'heavy bombers' from WW2 with the Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight's Lancaster & B17 Flying Fortress 'Sally B'.
Sally B
There was jet representation by the Strikemaster Duo and The Red Arrows.
The Red Arrows arriving into their display
There are more highlights, including the Aero Legends Balbo, here -
Next up Dad and I were off to RIAT for the best of the world's aviation and the worst of the British weather. There's always so much to talk about when it comes to RIAT so check out this year's blog. We went up on the Wednesday this year and I was overjoyed when the first aircraft that greeted us were none other than the Luftwaffe with their A400M and my favourite ever aircraft Tornados!
Wednesday's highlights are here -
Thursday was spent essentially waiting for the aircraft to come to us and when we got home I counted that in one day we saw over 90 different aircraft either arrive or perform their practice displays. Sitting by the caravan pointing my cameras at the sky whilst in easy reach of a cup of tea or G&T is my ideal way to spend the day.
One notable aircraft of the day was this incredibly rare ME262
French Rafale
One of the RAF F35s arrived in 'hover mode' which was really cool.
Some of Thursday's highlights -
Friday was er challenging. It rained and rained and rained, I've honestly never been as wet ever. I'm genuinely shocked that anything got airborne let alone display.
Some soggy statics-
We had this amazing low pass from a French KC135.
And the Danish F16 landed over our heads as we went back to the campsite -
Saturday was mostly dry but incredibly windy meaning that some aircraft such as the ME262, BBMF and one of the Gripens were unable to display but it was still a packed day.
The water still in the atmosphere meant we got some vapour on the aircraft -
This vintage SAAB SK60 was a highlight for many of us with it's graceful display.
It was so good to see Harriers again
'Blackjack' put on a great display
The USAF demonstrating the 'Skytanker' theme with a Hercules & Osprey
There's plenty more from Saturday's show here -
Next up with (mostly) better weather came Airbourne (Airbourne 2023 review) with only one day being lost to mother nature. On the Thursday I had the VIP treatment courtesy of a birthday present and had grandstand seating. The Red Arrows didn't make it due to a technical fault with one of their Hawks but all the other aircraft flew with the highlights being the BBMF and Sea Fury.
Sea Fury
Among the day's other highlights were Team Raven and the Rolls Royce Heritage Flight.
Team Raven
Rolls Royce Spitfire
Rolls Royce Mustang
Here's a round up of the day's highlights -
Mother Nature did her worst on Friday and threw heavy rain and gloom at us putting paid to most of the displays but the Typhoon did put on a thunderous display soundtracked by Danger Zone (my little autistic heart nearly exploded).
Thankfully the weather remembered that it was August on Saturday and Sunday. It was also the Airbourne debut of the BBMF's Lancaster & Typhoon formation which was one of the highlights of the whole airshow season for me.
The Typhoon this year is still in it's 'Blackjack' livery and it just looks gorgeous against a blue sky.
Being over the sea it often kicks up a lot of vapour which makes for some great photos (if I'm lucky).
Another aircraft that looks great against the blue sky is the RAF Tutor which put on a graceful display on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
There were vintage jets in the shape of the Strikemaster pair and the Norwegian Vampire.
One aircraft that's always a highlight at any airshow is the Jet Pitts who used the blue sky as his own canvas to paint over on Saturday and Sunday.
Check out my video of his display (also featuring my random argument with a guy who told me I was describing the aircraft incorrectly and using 'jet' as clickbait 😂).
The Red Arrows closed the show both days to a delighted crowd.
This video rounds up the best of the 4 days -
I had one more seafront show when I had the 'longest day ever' and went to Bournemouth Airshow (Bournemouth Airshow 2023 review). It was a boiling hot day with some interesting aircraft.
The Tigers Parachute Team dropping in
After the false start at Airbourne I finally got to see a full Chinook display!
I also saw a Westland Wasp for the first time when it flew in formation with the Swordfish.
Hiding behind the Swordfish
The Bronco put on an exciting display.
Closing the show was Blackjack with another awesome display.
You can find the highlights here -
My final airshow of the year came in September when Dad and I went to Duxford's Battle Of Britain Airshow. You can read my review of it here. As it's title suggests the main focus of the show is on warbirds that served in WW2.
A dogfight between a ME109 and a Spitfire
Mustangs getting airborne
Sitting in the members area means you can get some more interesting photo angles such as this one of the Vampire taking off behind some of the static aircraft.
A big highlight of the show for me was the 'heavy bomber formation' of the BBMF Lancaster and Duxford's own 'Sally B'.
Duxford's biggest set piece is always it's mass Spitfire & Hurricane formation.
This Spitfire kept the crowd entertained whilst the other aircraft were forming up.
Just beautiful
The show was closed by the Red Arrows in what was their final UK show of the year. I was finally able to get the shots of the synchro pair that I'd been trying to get all season.
I also like how the 'Royal Air Force' lettering is reflected on it's wing
Duxford's highlights -
Despite the weather being a little er trying at times it's been another great airshow season. In the last couple of weeks we've had the excellent news that Airbourne has raised enough to return next year and our RIAT tickets are booked too.
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