Monday, 29 May 2023

Introducing Merlin & Maverick!


Meet Merlin & Maverick my beautiful baby bunnies. They've been living with us for almost a month now and I'm in love. They are Dutch crossed with Netherland Dwarf bunnies so will stay pretty small. 

On the way home

In a surprise to absolutely nobody I've given them aviation themed names, Maverick is of course named for my favourite films Top Gun and Top Gun:Maverick and Merlin is named after the Rolls Royce Merlin engine that powers Spitfires, Hurricanes, Mustangs etc etc. 



Thankfully Merlin is also a pretty unisex name as when we brought them home we were under the impression that they were both boys but after their first vet visit for their jabs it turns out that Merlin actually prefers to identify as er female ..... Thank god we found out now! When they're fully grown Maverick will have to have the snip to make sure there are no unplanned 'Wingmen'. 

Yep that's a Halloween food bowl from my first Halloween blog of last year  

Like Estelle & Esme before them my 'Top Buns' (sorry not sorry) are living in the garden in a hutch and run built by Dad that they can access 24/7. Attached to this is a huge enclosure that they can go in during the day with room for me to sit with them. 

They also love carrot cottages like Esme did and go through them in under a week ๐Ÿ˜†

They also love hay wheels from Auntie Helen

Synchronised washing is also a hobby  

As is sunbathing ....

Personality wise Merlin is definitely the mischief maker, if one of them has their nose where it shouldn't be it's Merlin, if one is attempting to escape 'for a laugh' it's Merlin ๐Ÿ˜† Maverick is a little more chill but is the absolute king of the binkies. He lives up to his name by being constantly supersonic. 

They've got some toys from Auntie Tiffany's Napoleon Bunnyparte store but being typical kids were more interested in the box .

I'd forgotten how fast and energetic baby bunnies are, doing any kind of moving around the hutch or run involves a constant head count to make sure everyone is where they're supposed to be and not sneaking out. 

Climbing along the tube is always an option apparently

They are adorable and I'm absolutely smitten with them. I'll never stop loving or forget my beautiful Estelle & Esme and I tell Maverick & Merlin about their sisters' antics every day. Eos is getting used to the new arrivals too, they keep making each other jump as they're small and zippy and she's big. They've briefly touched noses through the wire a couple of times so we're getting there bless them. 

Eos in the daisies at the park

More bunny and Eos spam will of course follow.

Love Jen

Sunday, 7 May 2023

A Slightly Soggy Royal Day Out


I've just about dried out from yesterday's trip to London to watch the Coronation Flypast and soak (no pun intended) up the atmosphere. I hadn't planned on going but I heard rumours of 'special' aircraft formations and I thought after the epic formations at the Platinum Jubilee (you can read my blog from last year here and watch my video of the flypast below) I wanted to be a part of it. 

The Ministry Of Defence (MOD) warned a couple of days before the celebration that due to the horrific weather forecast the flypast was at risk of being scaled back or worse cancelled. This helpfully came 2 hours after I'd bought my train tickets ... So I decided to take a chance on going as I could always go and find something else to do should the flypast be cancelled.

Decorations at Eastbourne Station

En route

When I got to London there was no news on whether the flypast was going ahead or not so I decided it was a good excuse to pop to my favourite book shop Treadwells ๐Ÿ˜‡. 

Look at all those books ๐Ÿ’•

Unlike the weather Treadwells didn't disappoint and I came away with some goodies -

I got one of these candle holders on my last visit and was heartbroken when it broke so I got two this time!

One can't have too many tarot artbooks!

I also got this book that I didn't know existed! I really enjoyed the author's previous book Sigil Witchery and this one delves deeper into connection art and magic, I've been wanting to get back into drawing etc so I thought this would be a good buy.

After Treadwells the flypast still seemed to be going ahead so I went down to Waterloo Place where I watched the flypast last year. I'd missed the actual 'crowning' moment as I was on the tube, luckily Piccadilly Circus had me covered. 

The decorations were out in full force (think or say what you want about the Coronation or Royal Family we do pageantry very well!).

The world's biggest tea towel?

The brollies were out in full force ...

Unfortunately to no-one's surprise the MOD announced that the flypast was being scaled back to helicopters and the Red Arrows only. We were all disappointed but as you can hear from the cheers on the video everyone made the best of it (please ignore the raindrops on the lense blurring everything out). 

I lifted some photos from the video and unfortunately they weren't very good due to the gloom.

Merlin & Apaches

Wildcat & Merlins

Juno HT1s

Puma & Chinooks

The flypast was rounded off by a flypast from the Red Arrows.

After the flypast I headed home to dry off. I'm pleased I went, as the atmosphere was good and I can always have the "I was there" boast ๐Ÿ˜† I just wish the weather would have played ball. We've had an utterly crap spring cold and wet with none of the random 'hot days' we normally have (an example being when I went to Yungblud in March last year and I was walking around London in a t-shirt! If you don't believe me then read my blog ๐Ÿ˜†). 

I think I might need to find a more indoor special interest that doesn't involve being soaked ๐Ÿ˜†

Wish us luck!

Love Jen

Your time is almost up.

Hello ิear, There is no reason to relax at all but แบou ิon’t neeิ to panic anิ have to read mแบ message carefully. It is really important...