Thursday, 21 April 2022

Positive Photography - Keeping myself entertained in isolation.

It had to happen sooner or later, Covid has finally hit our household, Dad tested positive on Thursday, Mum on Friday and then in my normal manner of being late to the party I tested positive on Sunday (Happy Easter to me). Mum and Dad have felt a bit rough bless them (Dad's been negative for a couple of days now so has escaped to play golf) but aside from a slightly sore throat and a stuffy nose (which I'm used to permanently having because of my year round allergies) I've been absolutely fine. It just shows how effective the vaccines are that we've all come through it unscathed. 

Due to still testing positive (seriously it's been 5 days now, when will it do the noble thing and sod off 😡) I haven't been able to really go out and see my friends and the only 'outside' time has been joining Mum or Dad to walk Eos at locations we can easily distance from other people (this of course suits my natural inclination to avoid people). 

This also means that I've not been able to go to the smaller parks here to take photos of the pretty springtime colours so I've had to 'make do' (not exactly a hardship) with what's available in our garden and on the quieter end of the seafront. So here's a bit of a collection I like to call 'Positive Photography'. 

Beach Huts on the seafront (also the perfect location for some impromptu agility with Eos)

She of the looooonnng snoot

You can't beat some decent sunsets -

Dad's new garden lights

These flowers in the garden perfectly co-ordinating with the blue of the bar.

Some Bluebells in the park -

I also seem to have an obsession with photographing Daisies.

I'm not sure what species it is but this is "the pretty tree across the road"

Yes I did suffer for my art approximately 20 seconds after I took this photo when the pollen hit 😣

I put some daffodils on my altar to bring spring inside (why yes those are my own cross-stitches since you ask)

Next door also have a tree (Pear I believe) with some beautiful blossom- 

And when I get bored of taking photos on my phone I take them on my Instax instead 😂

Take care everyone and please, please, please if you haven't already then GET JABBED!

Love Jen

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