Friday, 28 August 2020

My 10 'Ungoth' Confessions

A skeleton top and a cuppa what's not to like?

Hi guys I thought I'd go with a more fun and lighthearted blog today and fess up to the 'ungoth' bits and pieces of me. In my normal manner I'm about 5 years late to the party and only found out about the trend from old YouTube videos. 

Here are a couple from two of my favourite YouTubers Black Friday and Toxic Tears

So with inspiration from two of the coolest gals on the internet here are my Ungoth confessions .....

1. I've never partied in a Graveyard

Graveyards are supposed to be peaceful places of rest, why would you be so disrespectful as to upset that?

2. My music taste isn't 'goth'

I like a couple of Joy Division songs, I've never listened to Bauhaus and I don't think Marilyn Manson counts as 'serious' goth. My favourite bands are mostly of the rock genre but lean towards the more punk, emo or metal side or of course my beloved early 00s indie. And of course Lady GaGa, The Greatest Showman OST and Taylor Swift (about as 'ungoth' as you can get).

3. Summer is my favourite season

It's actually the only season I like, Spring is too rainy and chilly, Autumn despite it's pretty colours is depressing as it means Winter is on the way and Winter itself is utterly miserable. 

4. My favourite activities happen outside

Airshows, BBQs, sitting in the garden with Esme and Eos, taking photos, outdoor gigs and festivals, being able to sit in the garden well into evening you get the idea. This does have the unfortunate side effect of leaving me with a tan despite layering on Factor 50 .....

5. My favourite films aren't all goth movies

Whilst I love The Crow, anything by Tim Burton and The Craft my favourite films are actually Top Gun & The Lion King (joint 1st), Frozen, Battle Of Britain and Shaun Of The Dead. 

6. I don't read much Gothic Literature

I do love Anne Rice (my cuddly vampire bear Lestat is named for her Interview With The Vampire book series) but couldn't get into HP Lovecraft, can take or leave Edgar Allen Poe and utterly despise poetry!

7. I don't take drugs

I'm already on more pills than Bez from the Happy Mondays (ask your parents) but I'll never refuse a G&T or a good rum and coke. 

8. None of my friends are goths

I don't get the whole 'we only hang out with other goths' surely it's boring to only socialise with people who have the exact same clothes/taste/ideas as you.My friends and family are all different which means everyone brings something interesting to the mix. 

9. I don't buy 'goth brands'

To be fair this isn't out of choice, it's more due to being fat! Most goth clothes only go up to about a 14/16 and since I'm an 18/20 it's never going to happen! I'm not quite sure why the clothes designers and producers don't believe that fat goths exist (thank god band shirts go up to sensible sizes). It means I have to be a bit more creative and shop a lot on Ebay by searching things like 'plus size black lace or velvet', shopping on the highstreet for black jeans or skirts or chopping up a pair of fishnet tights to make a net top 😆 Although I must shout out the following websites for providing a good range of sizes Attitude ClothingEMPKate's Clothing and Dark Fashion Clothing

10. And finally ..... I (mostly) smile in photos

I hope you all enjoyed my 'ungoth' confessions, now before you get too concerned I'm about to don some eyeliner and go Halloween decoration shopping!

Love Jen

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