Tuesday, 29 December 2020


When you see the effect you have on the lives of your loved ones you wonder what the kindest thing for them would be. In a "It's not you, it's me, very very much me" way.

Of course the only 'you's' really are those who helped contribute to this point. Those of you at Willingdon who decided that groping me in front of 20 other 11 year olds and shaming ME for it for the next 5 years. The rest of you who stood back and laughed. You guys who thought it was great sport to mock my looks, mannerisms, clothing, hobbies etc on a daily basis, shoot at me with BB guns, shower the back of my head with projectiles during lessons every day. Congratufuckingwelldone I hope this makes you laugh that one last time.

The other you's at CMS/Veritek who thought it was acceptable to scream in my face or across the office at me. Blame me for everything that went wrong though you knew full well I had no control over what was happening. Keeping spreadsheets of all my 'mistakes' over the 4 years I was there, damn I bet that was a good read.

Shall I list your names both school and work colleagues? Shame you like you gleefully did me? As tempting as it is I know there's no point, you'd either not remember or still feel justified in your actions. Because of course I brought it on myself through my own inadequacies, silly, silly Jen.

They could of course been onto something. Maybe some people are just too inadequate?

Lucky mental health nurse who gets to talk to me later. Hope she gets paid enough. 

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

2020 In Music

Well, it might have been a god awful year for pretty much everyone around the world but my goodness has it been a fantastic one for music! 

Hi everyone how are you all doing? It's time for my favourite blog of the year the music review and this year it's a corker (in my humble opinion). I always love writing about music (as you may have noticed) and the music reviews are a great way to round off every year no matter how good or bad it's been, you can read previous year's blogs for 201920182017 and 2016 . 

This is a really tricky blog as there has been so much music that I've loved this year. In fact for the first time I'm having to award 'Album Of The Year' to multiple recipients as I simply can't chose between them, possibly the best problem I've ever had! 

Album(s) of the year (click on the song titles to check out the videos on YouTube) -

Lady GaGa - Chromatica

What a return to form! 2016's Joanne was by no means a bad album but it was a real departure from anything GaGa had done before but I feel it was the the album that GaGa needed to make to move onto Chromatica so to speak. Chromatica is GaGa back to her traditional dance pop best but it's by no means a happy,clappy vapid pop record. There are some really raw lyrics about GaGa's experiences with mental illness that particularly hit home to me, however it's not a depressing album. When promoting the album GaGa expressed her desire for us to "dance through our pain" and the album helps us do just that, there is positivity to be found such as Rain On Me's "I'll never be dry but at least I'm alive". I cannot wait to hear the songs live when the Chromatica Ball lands in London. 

Best songs on the album - 

Rain On Me ft Ariana Grande my favourite song on the album!

Stupid Love



Bring Me The Horizon - Post Survival Horror

This is BMTH's second consecutive year as album of the year *round of applause* and I love it even more than last year's Amo. I think what I particularly love about Post Survival are the collaborations with Yungblud, Amy Lee, Babymetal and Nova Twins. In my opinion really good collaborations are hard to come by, you can put artists together but the results aren't always great (for example as much as I love 30 Seconds To Mars the addition of Kanye West on Hurricane or A$AP Rocky on Rescue Me add absolutely nothing to two songs that are perfect on their own) but on here they are awesome. The album is nice and heavy with just the right amount of 'scream'. I got into BMTH way back in 2011 after seeing them at Reading and I'm finally going to be seeing them again at the O2 in September. 

Best songs on the album -

Obey ft Yungblud I can't stress how much I adore this song!



Yungblud - Weird!

I've spent a large amount of 2020 getting into Yungblud and his back catalogue (more of that down below) and feeling pretty down with the cool kids if I saw so myself. Yungblud's music is a real melting pot of different musical influences - you can hear elements of Emo, Rap and Brit Pop but importantly he still sounds completely original. Weird! is a great album with really smart, witty lyrics but with an undercurrent of darker reflections of mental illness and isolation. Those lyrics rather than just being depressing also help his fans feel less alone which is something that Yungblud is keen to express in interviews along with his campaigning for the LGBTQ+ community. Another gig I can't wait for next year!

Best songs on the album -

Cotton Candy

God Save Me, But Don’t Drown Me Out

Strawberry Lipstick

It's Quiet In Beverley Hills

Honourable Mentions -

The Killers - Imploding The Mirage - The most Killers sounding Killers album in years. Best song My Own Soul's Warning

Green Day - Father Of All Motherfuckers - Short, sharp and great. Best song Oh Yeah

Songs of the year -

We've also had some absolute tunes this year-

Billie Eilish - Therefore I Am

Deftones - Error

Royal Blood - Trouble's Coming

The Pretty Reckless - 25

I also want to mention some older music I've only heard for the first time time this year that I've really enjoyed -

Motionless In White - Another Life

Motionless In White - Voices

Yungblud ft Dan Reynolds - Original Me

Yungblud - Hope For The Underrated Youth

I'd really love to know what's soundtracked your guy's 2020 and helped you through the year, comment below or drop me a tweet @jenraefrances  on Twitter. 

Take care and stay safe.

Love Jen


Friday, 23 October 2020

A Brief Encounter

I'm currently in a state of not knowing whether to crack up laughing or sob hysterically which is slightly abnormal even for me on a Friday morning.

So Mum and I like to go swimming once a week (yep I get my blubbery form into a swimming costume and hope not to get harpooned) and towards the end of our swim one of the lifeguards came over and asked me if I went to the same school as he did. The answer was of course yes, although I did wittily say "yes for my sins" (more on that later) 

And yes, he was part of the crowd who made my life a living hell and was there when I got groped in front of a class of 28 other 11 year olds and laughed along with them. And here he is now greeting me like an old friend.

He said "awww you don't look any different" which rankles a huge amount as I've spent most of my post-school life trying to change the appearance of who I was then, I've spent a lot of sterling on tattoos, piercings, cool goth clothes to cover up that girl. I also noted the irony of talking to him whilst in a swimsuit in my obese state with marks of my arms and legs being the legacy of those 5 years of hell and the effect its had on my mental health for the best part of 20 years. 

I politely asked if he still saw anyone from school and he mentioned one person who goes to the same church as him 🤦🏻‍♀️. He then asked if I went because of my 'sins' quip 🤣. He finished off our conversation saying that next time we bump into each other he wanted to get my number so we could go for a cup of tea 😱. So many WTFs from that, firstly am I supposed to suddenly be all friendly with someone who was a complete cunt to me. Secondly why the hell would he want to spend time with someone who he hated for 5 years and thirdly and most hilariously I'm a full blown tarot-reading witch with an alter and loads of pretty and interesting books on the history of magic and the occult.

As amusing as it is, I'm feeling horrible and unsettled and sick. A flood of memories have come back, ones that I don't want and emotions that I really don't need right now.....

Love Jen

Saturday, 10 October 2020

My Soundtrack To World Mental Health Day

Hi guys! As promised on my social medias earlier today for World Mental Health Day I wanted to share with you my go-to songs I listen to on bad days to lift me back up. Some have uplifting lyrics, some have comforting lyrics, some bring back really happy memories and some are just fun. 

Enjoy and let me know if you have any songs you love that lift you up on a bad day. 

First up we have a couple of songs by 30 Seconds To Mars. As you all know they're my favourite band and their music has gotten me through some of my darkest times. The subject of a lot of their music is never giving up on your dreams and having faith in yourself. 

Kings & Queens (my favourite song ever)

Closer To The Edge. Not only does it show how awesome Mars concerts are, it also reminds me of Summer 2010 which was a really happy time for me. 

The last one for 30STM that I'm going to post (they have so many more I could mention - have a listen to This Is WarAlibi and Walk On Water)

Next up we have the second in my musical 'Holy Trinity' Lady GaGa. She does so much work for the LGBTQ+ community and mental health care, even launching the Born This Way Foundation a couple of years back. The first song I've chosen by her is of the same name and reminds us that we're all beautiful no matter who we are. I have 'Born This Way' tattooed on my wrist to remind me to be myself and not change for anything. 

Rain On Me is off of GaGa's most recent album Chromatica (I could actually write a whole blog about the album's reflections on mental health and dancing through your pain) and the lyric "I'd rather be dry but at least I'm alive" speaks volumes. 

From the third act of my Holy Trinity we have Green Day's 'Still Breathing'. A song about reminding yourself that you are still here on this planet surviving all the pain you might be going through. It's a powerful song and the video makes me cry every time I watch it.

And now for a few more selections -

Paradise City - Guns N Roses. A really fun song to sing along to and, for me anyway, has a summer feel to it. As an aside I'm really excited to see them for the first time next year. 

Oasis - Live Forever. A true indie classic, it reminds me of the fantastic two years I had at college and is the sound of being young without a care. Fun fact - this was the first song on the mix cds (ask your parents) for my friend's and my 18th birthday party. 

The Greatest Showman OST - A Million Dreams I could easily have picked pretty much any of the songs on the soundtrack as for the most part they are all uplifting and great fun to belt out.  This Is Me so nearly made the cut but I love this song just a little bit more.

N*Sync - It's Gonna Be Me Sometimes you just need some boyband cheese in your day 🙋

My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Ok (I Promise) Ok I have to put my hands up and admit that lyrically this song is quite dark but it brings back such good memories and the video always makes me laugh. 

The Killers - Mr Brightside Again, this one has some pretty dark lyrics but the memories I have of leaning against an ice cream van to watch their set at Reading Festival 2005 and seeing them in Hyde Park in 2017 are so happy. Another that nearly made the cut was All These Things I've Done)

Blink 182 - What's My Age Again? This is such a bouncy song about the joys of not growing up with a hilarious video to match. 

George Ezra - Shotgun you can just feel the sun rays coming from this song. 

Taylor Swift - Blank Space This video makes me die laughing every time I see it. 

Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze That guitar riff, you can't help but move to this song and get the endorphins flowing. 

Journey - Don't Stop Believing Does this actually need and explanation? 

Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone This surely has to be one of the best movie opening songs ever! From my favourite film Top Gun this makes me want to head to an airshow and is my ringtone all through the airshow season (see also Cheap Trick - Mighty WingsPlaying With The Boys and the Top Gun Theme)

Battle Of Britain Theme My other favourite aviation theme song. I always get so emotional listening to it but it's so uplifting and reminds me of watching Spitfires and Hurricanes at airshows. 

The Who - Baba O'Riley This song just sounds like freedom and elevates me no matter what mood I'm in. 

Finally I want to give a mention to a song that my friend Martin @martinthegeek on Twitter  recommended to me this morning when I asked for other people's go to songs. He recommended this song by Beartooth who I'd heard of but not listened to before. 

He says "One I always find rock songs with heavy riffs a great outlet, and two, the lead singer Caleb is so open about his mental health issues and writes a lot of songs about them. This video is a perfect example of them raising awareness and the song as well as being really personal is also and absolute banger" After giving it a listen I completely agree and I'll definitely be listening to more of them in the future!

Thanks for reading my blog about my favourite music for World Mental Health Day, if you have any songs that help you out then let me know! I'm always up for a chat on my Twitter @jenraefrances or Instagram also @jenraefrances (dead original me). 

Love Jen

Ps If you or someone who know are struggling with mental illness then please, please speak to someone be it a family member, friend, work colleague, your GP anyone. Or if you are in immediate danger then call 999/911 or go straight to A&E/ER. 

Some useful websites (these are only UK ones but I'm sure there are similar where you live) -

The Samaritans - https://www.samaritans.org/

Shout (A text messaging service for those in crisis - bloody fantastic idea) - https://giveusashout.org/

Saturday, 3 October 2020

EMDR Diaries - Pushing Pause

Hi everyone hope you're all doing as OK as possible? As my blog readers will know I've been undergoing EMDR therapy to try and help with some of the traumatic experiences that have seriously affected my mental health. 

My counsellor and I started off gradually covering experiences that were lower down my 'trauma scale'. We started off by working on a bad workplace experience (the link for that blog and an explanation of EMDR can be found here). We then moved on to losing my beautiful Stelly. The aim isn't for you to forget the events but to take some of the 'sting' out of them. For example when it comes to Stelly when I think about losing her I no longer blame myself for what happened, nor do I feel such overwhelming emotion. Instead I've been able to focus on my lovely memories of her and all the mischief she and Esme used to get up to (don't worry Esme still gets up to enough mischief on her own) and yes feel sad, mourn her and miss her but without such an intense reaction.

The next plan was to start working on the bullying trauma, which is the really big one that has shaped who I am still to this day. We had one whole session and a half session of trying but I felt nothing. EMDR works on your physical reactions to memories, for example when I was focusing on Stelly I was actually 'sick' (without actually being sick or retching it was the weirdest sensation) or when we were working on the work problems my forearms tingled where I used to cut them to relieve the stress). So to feel absolutely nothing to the point of being numb was really odd. Essentially I think my brain has tried to detach itself so far from school that I can't connect the physical reactions.

After trying for the first half hour of a session with no reaction we decided to try and see if I could work through the sexual assault and some other uncomfortable experiences of that nature I've had. I connected with this and had some quite unpleasant sensations that I won't detail here as they are quite triggering for anyone who happens to be reading who's had similar experiences (🤗🤗🤗 to you if you have).

Unfortunately I've had to pause the sessions temporarily as the memories, thoughts and feelings that it bought up were pretty overwhelming and lead to me self-harming again and feeling 'unsafe' (my code word for suicidal). I was back to feeling disgusted with my body and self as a whole, before my first experience in the first few weeks of secondary school I'd never really thought about my body that much but it was after that my feelings of disgust and general embarrasment around how I look started and never left. Put it this way even when I was thin I felt uncomfortable, imagine how gross I feel now 🤣.

It also dredged up my memories of being 'frigid' and 'unnatural' due to my own sexual dysfunction (one of the large factors as to why I'd never entertain being in a relationship again). My fear about how people see me, benefit of dressing like a goth and being fat is that no-one looks at you as being potentially attractive - a top tip there (you're welcome 🤣).

So due to all of the above the EMDR has been paused until I can become a bit more stable again (lots of other life worries at the moment so it may be some time). I do want to continue as these memories need to be worked though alongside some others such as deaths of friends and family, relationship breakdowns etc.

On a cheerful note to end the blog I've been doing plenty of Halloween 🦇 🎃 decoration shopping (if you follow me on good ole Instagram jenraefrances you'll have been spammed with pictures and videos in my stories) and I was wondering if anyone would like to see blogs about them and my Halloween prepping in the run up to the big day! Let me know.

Love Jen

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

What Would Marie Kondo Do?

I don't know if any of you guys have watched the Marie Kondo series that's been on Netflix just over a year? Where she goes into people's houses and helps them declutter and tidy up. Having an exceptionally tidy friend I watched all of them 🤣 and this morning I can't help thinking back to her rule that if something doesn't bring you joy then you should declutter it. 

Which leads me to wonder what I should do when life no longer brings me joy? When everything that you use to try and make life more bearable is either taken away or no longer works.

The big things that help, gigs and airshows have been wiped off the face of the earth. My last hope for an airshow this coming weekend, Duxford, has now been cancelled due to the rise in Covid cases because some titheads can't follow the rules.

The little but regular things that help aren't doing it either. I've no interest in listening to music, can't get into reading. Leaving the house is becoming an anxiety minefield. Meeting up with friends is handicapped by the excruciating embarrassment I feel about my weight gain.

The worst of it are the 'shoulds' and shouldn'ts, I should eat better and lose the weight I'm so embarrassed about, I should go out for walks whilst the weather is still nice before Autumn sets in and sends things depressing, I should tidy my room because it looks like a dust covered pig stye. I shouldn't nap all day as its a waste, I shouldn't bother with pretty clothes because they'll only look awful on my fat self. I shouldn't bother with Halloween shopping and decorations as that's bound to cancel or I won't be bothered nearer the time. 

At night before I go to bed I think about all this and just wonder why I'm hanging on. When I sleep all I have are flashbacks and nightmares about being back at school or the multitude of jobs that have gone shit-shaped over the years. I've had to stop my EMDR sessions because the memories and feelings they brought up were too much to deal with. 

Wonder what Marie Kondo would have to suggest about a life with no joy? 

Love Jen

Friday, 28 August 2020

My 10 'Ungoth' Confessions

A skeleton top and a cuppa what's not to like?

Hi guys I thought I'd go with a more fun and lighthearted blog today and fess up to the 'ungoth' bits and pieces of me. In my normal manner I'm about 5 years late to the party and only found out about the trend from old YouTube videos. 

Here are a couple from two of my favourite YouTubers Black Friday and Toxic Tears

So with inspiration from two of the coolest gals on the internet here are my Ungoth confessions .....

1. I've never partied in a Graveyard

Graveyards are supposed to be peaceful places of rest, why would you be so disrespectful as to upset that?

2. My music taste isn't 'goth'

I like a couple of Joy Division songs, I've never listened to Bauhaus and I don't think Marilyn Manson counts as 'serious' goth. My favourite bands are mostly of the rock genre but lean towards the more punk, emo or metal side or of course my beloved early 00s indie. And of course Lady GaGa, The Greatest Showman OST and Taylor Swift (about as 'ungoth' as you can get).

3. Summer is my favourite season

It's actually the only season I like, Spring is too rainy and chilly, Autumn despite it's pretty colours is depressing as it means Winter is on the way and Winter itself is utterly miserable. 

4. My favourite activities happen outside

Airshows, BBQs, sitting in the garden with Esme and Eos, taking photos, outdoor gigs and festivals, being able to sit in the garden well into evening you get the idea. This does have the unfortunate side effect of leaving me with a tan despite layering on Factor 50 .....

5. My favourite films aren't all goth movies

Whilst I love The Crow, anything by Tim Burton and The Craft my favourite films are actually Top Gun & The Lion King (joint 1st), Frozen, Battle Of Britain and Shaun Of The Dead. 

6. I don't read much Gothic Literature

I do love Anne Rice (my cuddly vampire bear Lestat is named for her Interview With The Vampire book series) but couldn't get into HP Lovecraft, can take or leave Edgar Allen Poe and utterly despise poetry!

7. I don't take drugs

I'm already on more pills than Bez from the Happy Mondays (ask your parents) but I'll never refuse a G&T or a good rum and coke. 

8. None of my friends are goths

I don't get the whole 'we only hang out with other goths' surely it's boring to only socialise with people who have the exact same clothes/taste/ideas as you.My friends and family are all different which means everyone brings something interesting to the mix. 

9. I don't buy 'goth brands'

To be fair this isn't out of choice, it's more due to being fat! Most goth clothes only go up to about a 14/16 and since I'm an 18/20 it's never going to happen! I'm not quite sure why the clothes designers and producers don't believe that fat goths exist (thank god band shirts go up to sensible sizes). It means I have to be a bit more creative and shop a lot on Ebay by searching things like 'plus size black lace or velvet', shopping on the highstreet for black jeans or skirts or chopping up a pair of fishnet tights to make a net top 😆 Although I must shout out the following websites for providing a good range of sizes Attitude ClothingEMPKate's Clothing and Dark Fashion Clothing

10. And finally ..... I (mostly) smile in photos

I hope you all enjoyed my 'ungoth' confessions, now before you get too concerned I'm about to don some eyeliner and go Halloween decoration shopping!

Love Jen

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Reflecting On A (Not So Happy) Anniversary

(Before we start please note the TRIGGER WARNING for self-harm and suicidal thoughts/actions)

Tomorrow marks the first anniversary of my overdose. At the time I detailed it in this blog. But in short after my mental health had a rapid decline since the start of 2019 I decided that enough was enough. I realised that the game was up when I found myself struggling to enjoy Airbourne, normally the 4 days I live for each year, and I went to bed the Sunday night having written a long letter to my family and friends telling them how much I loved them and insisting that they not blame themselves. 

Although I told myself as I wrote it that it was a 'just in case' letter, a deeper part of me had shifted for the worse. The proverbial straw that broke the camel's back was being let go from my job, not much of a shock since I was barely managing to make it in more than one or two days a week. 

So that was how the overdose happened, part of it was wanting to end it all, part of it was wanting to black out and forget everything, part of it was trying to express the pain that I couldn't put into words that even cutting myself wasn't releasing, part of it was wanting to push it all off myself and let the adults take over and part of it was a final fuck off to the world that had made life so difficult. 

The days following are a blur, I hadn't swallowed enough pills or drunk enough vodka to need the hospital. I remember being chronically unsettled, sleeping badly, a feeling of absolute guilt at having hurt my parents and friends and hardest of all was the feeling of being unsafe. Unsafe from myself, whenever I'd felt unsafe before it was as a result of other people's actions and I could retreat inside myself. When it's you making yourself feel unsafe there's nowhere to retreat, being scared of yourself and what your brain might make you do. 

Do I feel like I've made any progress since that August day? Absolutely not. I don't work, I hardly go out (at least I had plenty of practice for lockdown!), I struggle in social situations and find myself utterly drained from them. I have panic attacks from just getting the bus into town (not ideal when you're walking up the hill trying to listen to your best friend tell you about her day), I struggle with panic attacks that wake me up just after I've drifted off. I cut myself, put it this way, shorts have not been an option for most of the summer although considering the size of my thighs that's probably a blessing to the world at large! 

My world has shrunk to staying in and annoying the rabbit, being bounced on by the dog, cross-stitching, watching YouTube & Netflix, eating and berating myself for the weight I've piled back on whilst feeling physically sick looking at myself, napping, only being able to go places if someone goes with me and when I'm able to leave the house the occasional dog walk. Not exactly healing and healthy. 

I know that the recovery has to come in a large part from me, counselling, my OT (when I'm allocated one) and useless psychiatrists can only do so much. But the drive I used to have to defy the limits of my brain and condition just isn't there any more. Being a hermit is my lot in life. There's still a large part of my brain that berates me for not finishing the job properly, that I'm too weak to give it another, proper try. It argues that I have no chance at a successful future (I'm not going to disagree with it there!) so why postpone the inevitable. 

I try really hard to find positivity and enjoy things, some times it's possible - the week that Mum and I had in Vienna last November (PANDAS! 🐼 🐼), seeing my friends when I feel able, watching crap on YouTube with Helen (it's an art form) or watching (shouting at) the F1 with Chris and Vana. But so often I just feel uninspired and joyless, the things I do like sewing, reading just can't always cut it (no pun intended). Then I'm left feeling frustrated, bored and at the mercy of my thoughts. 

I really hope that maybe by next year's anniversary I'll still be here to mark it. That maybe a summer of delayed gigs and airshows might have lifted things a little. That the blubber I've re-attached to me might have gone (although let's be realistic), that I might have gotten some way to reclaiming the old Jen who was able to tell her brain to fuck off back in its box and go enjoy herself. Is that too much to hope for? 

Love Jen

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

The Best Of Airbourne - My Favourite Memories

Normally at this time of year I'd be in a state of massive excitement and anticipation waiting for our 4 day airshow Airbourne. It's the highlight of my year and the moment I really live for. When, unsurprisingly, due to the Covid situation it was cancelled a couple of months ago I cried my eyes out. Rather than feeling miserable I wanted to try and make something positive out of the situation and relieve some of my favourite moments from the shows over the last few years. 

To accompany this blog I've uploaded a video to YouTube of some of my favourite clips of the last decade which you can check out here -

I've written more in depth 'review' blogs for the 201320142015 20162018  and 2019, which you can check out by clicking those links. 

I've only been properly 'photographing' at airshows for the last few years so haven't got a huge amount of material to share but I've scoured YouTube and found some videos of my favourite memories. 

The Jaguar was always one of my favourite visitors to the show.

Back when Red Bull sponsored the Sea Vixen and it was painted in this eye-catching colour scheme.

Airbourne has had some interesting visitors over the years, including this DHL 747 -

In 2005 we were treated to the incredibly rare sight of this USAF B1B Lancer that flew in from Texas each day!

This video has a compilation of the 2005 show which includes the first visit to Eastbourne from the Typhoon (much more of that later!)

The first photos I have are from the 2008 show, please excuse the quality 😂

The USAF KC135 Stratotanker 

Pretty flags!

The last time we saw a Hercules at Airbourne with the RAF Falcons parachute display team.

                                                            Jet Pack Man!

No blog would be complete without some cringy photos of me so here is the first!

The last time we saw the Army Blue Eagles display team with their Gazelles and Lynx.


Of course I bought the hat!


We always get some interesting pairings for flypasts, here we have the Dutch F16 and Spitfire

And with a Mustang friend!


This was the first airshow photo I was really pleased with!

Mum and I sheltering from the rain with our Pimms

The weather was a bit of a theme that day ......

I might be wrong (please let me know if I am) but 2010 might have been the first time we had a Vampire at the show. 

With my friends Lydia and Hilary continuing the Pimms theme

If you squint really hard you'll see that the 2010 RAF Hawk had a really pretty paint scheme.


 On a cold, windy Thursday the Royal Navy Black Cats were the only thing that flew. Meaning that my brother and I were forced to entertain ourselves with donuts and hot chocolate ......

The return of the kings! Tornado GR4 role demo!

USAF F86 Sabre

Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight Spitfire and Hurricane

Belgian F16


The Dakota with it's D Day invasion colours

I had my Tornados back too!

Of course the thing that people most remember Airbourne 2012 for was the first appearance of Vulcan XH558. Ever since she returned to the airshow circuit in 2008 I'd been hoping she'd make it down to Eastbourne and finally my wish was granted!

I love the sun glinting on her

There is a fantastic video on YouTube of her in the hold waiting to display off of Beachy Head, at one point she is flying lower than our lighthouse!


The SWIP team

French Flamants

The Red Bull Matadors had a tie-in with Disney's 'Planes' film and were painted as the film's two main characters Dusty and Ripslinger.

Look how beautiful Miss Demeanour is.


The Tucano had a Hurricane paint theme this year.

The Reds need no caption but they've got one anyway!

When I'm not on the seafront I watch the show from a park near my home. The same park is used by the BBMF for their turning circle which results in very low Lancaster flypasts right over our heads!


Speaking of Lancasters was there a more beautiful, moving sight than the Canadian Lancaster flying with our BBMF Lancaster?

Thumper and Vera with a seagull escort. 

2014 was my first year with a DSLR Camera which meant I was able to get far clearer and closer photos. 

The Tutor looked great against the blue sky

The RAF Sea King and lifeboat put on a demonstration.

The Blades 'crazy flying'

The Typhoon was painted in D Day stripes to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the invasion

The Canberra made an appearance on Sunday

This is how packed the seafront gets for the Red Arrows!

I'm still really pleased with this photo!


The photos I've chosen for this year all come from the Saturday when, inspired by the 2012 video (scroll back up), we went up to Beachy Head to watch the Vulcan. I hadn't watched from Beachy Head for years and I'd forgotten how cool the views were 'from the top' . 

Suitably dressed in my Vulcan top. 

Also making an appearance that day was the newly restored Blenheim Bomber, seen here with a Spitfire escort over the sea. 

You can get unique shots like this from up on the downs. 

XH558 rudely photobombing the Royal Navy Sea King

There were 1000s of people on the downs to see XH558 

Flying level with us as she ran in for her display

I've never seen so many boats in the channel. 

This video shows what a fantastic sight the Vulcan was

A special mention to the RAF Hawk T2 'Team Ninja' display team featuring Eastbourne pilot Toby Keeley. who went on to join the Red Arrows the following season. 

The Norwegian Airforce Historic Flight Vampires

P51 Mustang 'Ferocious Frankie' 

The Blades from a different angle

Getting buzzed by the Red Arrows in a low sneak pass!


Before the show opened on Thursday we had a sneak preview of the new RAF Super Puma when it gave us a couple of passes. 

A Jet Provost pair in their former RAF colours

The Typhoon kicking up some vapour!

Following the previous year's successful Beachy Head outing we spent a day up on the downs and were rewarded with some great close ups from some of the warbirds. 

BBMF Hurricane

BBMF Lancaster

MIG 15

B25 Mitchell

The Bronco isn't hard to miss in it's bright livery!

Nice and close to the Blenheim

Gorgeous Sea Vixen


Rich Goodwin always puts the best show on in his muscle Biplane. 

The star of 2017s show was most definitely the Belgian Airforce F16. It was fast, noisy and had flares, what more could you ask for?


2018 was the RAF's Centenary year with some of the display teams displaying special liveries. It should also be remembered as the year than I walked a 6 mile round trip to watch the Typhoon in the rain on the Thursday afternoon .....

It was worth it!

A slightly sunnier view. 

Hello Chinook!

The Red Arrows also performed their special 'Centenary Pass' which you can see in my video here (Skip to 4:26 if you're in a hurry). 


Hard to work out where each Blade ends and the other begins!

2019 was the debut Airbourne appearance from the Breitling Jet Team

Beautiful liveries

It was also the debut season for the Duxford-based Ultimate Warbirds team featuring a Mustang/Spitfire/Messerschmitt and Thunderbolt. The noise from them as they flew past was absolutely fantastic. 

The Gazelle team

We also watched from Beachy Head again


MIG15 and T33 

The Typhoon with the Sovereign Light Tower in the background. 

I also made it down to the seafront for the evening display for the first time in years. How beautiful do the Fireflies look here?

I hope you guys have enjoyed looking back at my favourite Airbourne moments with me (well done for not getting bored and clicking away halfway through!). I'm going to miss it like crazy and my camera is going to feel very neglected. Hopefully the Covid situation will calm down over the Autumn and Winter ready for the new season.

Roll on 2021!

Love Jen

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

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