Friday, 29 March 2019

No Work & No Pay makes Jen really pissed off....

Another week another set of days calling in sick because I'm too depressed to leave my bed and this week I have absolutely outdone myself and managed absolutely no hours at all *round of applause*.

Of course being on the bank means no work no pay makes Jen poor and even more fed up. Jen is unimpressed at running down her gig and social fund to cover her bills and currently wonders how the hell she can cover this sorry state of affairs that her stupid BPD has put her in.

I was thinking back through my long and (not very illustrious) working career and wondering how the hell I went from essentially running a really busy and vital department, with the promise of promotion, to now not even being able to cope with cleaning and delivering food. I mean what the bloody hell went wrong?

Whilst it was my decision to leave the aforementioned job at CMS/Veritek due to the bullying and stress jeopardising the really good place I was in mentally at the time - yes believe it or not I was HAPPY between summer of 2010 (when I left that job) and about Autumn 2011 (when I left the hospital records library to ironically go to full-time work).

Where has my ability to think on my feet, organise important deliveries, schedule stock, generally troubleshoot and even occasionally ignore shrieking managers out to make my life hell gone? How have I regressed so far that I can even cope with washing a floor? Really what the fuck!

So thank you brain for your obvious deterioration in your ability to cope with even the smallest tasks and fuck you for putting me in this situation that I can see no sodding way out of.

Love Jen

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