Friday, 29 March 2019

No Work & No Pay makes Jen really pissed off....

Another week another set of days calling in sick because I'm too depressed to leave my bed and this week I have absolutely outdone myself and managed absolutely no hours at all *round of applause*.

Of course being on the bank means no work no pay makes Jen poor and even more fed up. Jen is unimpressed at running down her gig and social fund to cover her bills and currently wonders how the hell she can cover this sorry state of affairs that her stupid BPD has put her in.

I was thinking back through my long and (not very illustrious) working career and wondering how the hell I went from essentially running a really busy and vital department, with the promise of promotion, to now not even being able to cope with cleaning and delivering food. I mean what the bloody hell went wrong?

Whilst it was my decision to leave the aforementioned job at CMS/Veritek due to the bullying and stress jeopardising the really good place I was in mentally at the time - yes believe it or not I was HAPPY between summer of 2010 (when I left that job) and about Autumn 2011 (when I left the hospital records library to ironically go to full-time work).

Where has my ability to think on my feet, organise important deliveries, schedule stock, generally troubleshoot and even occasionally ignore shrieking managers out to make my life hell gone? How have I regressed so far that I can even cope with washing a floor? Really what the fuck!

So thank you brain for your obvious deterioration in your ability to cope with even the smallest tasks and fuck you for putting me in this situation that I can see no sodding way out of.

Love Jen

Sunday, 24 March 2019


I'm just going to launch right in here I'm afraid and simply state that life is, quite frankly, hideous at the moment.

My mental health has taken possibly the nose-dive equivalent of a Cristiano Ronaldo dive with a dash of the peregrine falcon about it. It's pretty safe to say I'm by far the worst I've been since I was signed off during the great memory-stick gate of 2014.

I've missed so much work in the last few months I shudder to think how much money I've lost. Whilst I far prefer to be on the staff bank I don't get paid what I don't work. Basically if I was in a 'normal' job I would have begged my GP to sign me off by now and considering the state I'm in I'm pretty sure I'd have that form in my hand right now.

The worst of it is that I feel incredibly guilty for letting the team on the ward I work on down. I've grown to absolutely adore Ward Clerking and really feel horrid when I constantly call in sick and leave them in the lurch. Whilst I'm not directly looking after patients it's the little things I can do to help save the nurses time which I find most rewarding.

But quite frankly I'm in no fit state to be of help to anyone, let alone myself, at this moment in time. I'm getting freaked out at the thought of going to town, making the short walk to the supermarket or anything that involves moving any further down the garden than Esme's hutch.

And to put it bluntly I can't see any way out at the moment. I'm sorry to say this (but when I started this blog way, way back back in 2013 I promised a 'warts n all' depection of living with a mental illness) but yes I have been carrying around thoughts of suicide the last few weeks. I'm not saying this for shock value, or to gain Twitter or Facebook comments (although thank you to those of you who are all so lovely) or to seek some kind of attention. I guess I just want to get across how bad things are at the moment in Jen-world. I can't sleep at night with scary thoughts invading my brain, I almost wish there was a 'safe' way to demonstrate it, to get myself put away for a few weeks to clear my head (I'm not even joking here) but there is no way on earth that I'm prepared to put my family through that, who have been nothing but supportive, far more than I deserve. So much so that this week Mum and Dad have cancelled going away for a few days because they're worried about me, I'm a 31 year old who can't be left alone.

I'm back in counselling each week now, but like any kind of treatment it takes a little bit to titrate. I'm seeing the lady I saw up until spring last year (when I foolishly thought I'd made progress) so at least we can pick-up where we left off.

One of the most irritating aspects of the situation is that I cannot for the life of me pinpoint what's caused this. Yes I've had job uncertainty and upheaval (cheers Med Sec Managers) which is the tip of the iceberg, but this has been building for some time now and I don't know why.

Even my normal go-to lifts aren't helping - listening to music just makes me sad, watching crap on YouTube is getting boring, I can't concentrate on a book or magazine and even my witchy pursuits aren't fulfilling me at the moment despite having really good results with it (see here

I almost wish some physical injury could befall me, that would take me out of action for a few weeks, just a little broken ankle or toe or some such so that I'd have a valid reason to not work or want to leave the house. And yes I know this is utterly stupid.

That's pretty much the shape of it at the moment, please don't be freaking out as I'm sure I'll waddle through it. However if anyone feels like forking out to send me to The Priory or some such all donations will be gratefully received!

Love Jen

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...