Thursday, 28 February 2019

A New Introduction

Hiya guys I hope you're all good?

I wanted to let you know that I've started a new blog to document my journey in learning about witchcraft and Wicca.

I'll only link it this once as there's nothing worse than having someone's religion or beliefs shoved down your throat! If someone could mention that to the preacher guy in town every Saturday ranting and raving that we're all going to hell .... I mean the queues in Primark can be pretty horrendous but not quite on a par with fire and brimstone .....

So if anyone is interested you can find my witchy alter-ego at The Muddling Witch

Oh and in case anyone was wondering

1.  I don't worship Satan (I've always disliked Manchester Utd)
2.  I'm not fooling around with ouija boards (People have no idea how dangerous they are)
3.  I'm not going to be throwing about hexes and curses here there and everywhere (the Wiccan belief is that everything we send out comes back threefold)
4.  No I won't be dancing naked in a field (Nobody deserves that!)

Hopefully that clears it up 👯

Love Jen

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