Tuesday, 31 December 2019

2010s In Music

The 2010s in gigs!
 Line 1 L-R 30 Seconds To Mars Wembley Feb 2010, Royal Blood Bexhill Aug 2019, Lady GaGa O2 Arena Feb 2010.
Line 2 L-R Green Day O2 Arena Feb 2017, Deap Vally Concorde 2 Oct 2016, Kaiser Chiefs Brighton Feb 2017.
Line 3 L-R The Pretty Reckless Brixton Nov 2014, 30 Seconds To Mars Niagara Falls Feb 2011, The Who O2 Area April 2015.

All my lovely readers know how much I love an 'end-of-year' music countdown so imagine my delight at the opportunity to write a blog about 10 whole years of music! (You can find my recent end of year music blogs here 201620172018 and 2019.).

The 2010s have had some massive highs and deep lows but one constant through the decade has been some truly great music. I won't go in to depth on all my picks as no-one has that much time on their hands! Click on the song titles to check the videos out on YouTube.

First up, in no particular order, we have my favourite albums of the 2010s -

Lady GaGa - Born This Way

Best songs - Born This WayEdge Of Glory and Hair

30 Seconds To Mars - Love, Lust, Faith and Dreams

Best songs - Do Or Die , End Of All Days and Northern Lights

30 Seconds To Mars - America

Best songs - Walk On WaterDangerous NightRescue Me and Hail To The Victor

Elle King - Love Stuff

Best songs - Exes & OhsLast Damn Night and Under The Influence

Green Day - Revolution Radio

Best songs - Still BreathingBang BangSomewhere Now and Youngblood

Taylor Swift - 1989

Best songs - Bad BloodWildest Dreams and Blank Space (also possibly the most hilarious video of the decade)

Royal Blood - Royal Blood

Best songs - Out Of The BlackTen Tonne Skeleton and Little Monster

Deap Vally - Sistronix

Best songs - Baby I Call HellBad For My Body and End Of The World

Deap Vally - Femejism

Best songs - GonnawannaTurn It Off and Royal Jelly

The Greatest Showman OST

Best songs - This Is MeA Million Dreams and Tightrope

George Ezra - Staying At Tamara's

Best songs - ShotgunParadise and Pretty Shining People

And now (in no particular order) for some of my favourite songs of the decade!

Bring Me The Horizon - Mother Tongue
Pink - Just Give Me A Reason
Pink - Fucking Perfect
Lana Del Rey - Born To Die
Lana Del Rey - Young And Beautiful
Lady GaGa - Swine
Lady GaGa - Alejandro
Lady GaGa & Beyonce - Telephone
Lady GaGa & Bradley Cooper -Shallow
The Pretty Reckless - Make Me Wanna Die
The Pretty Reckless - Miss Nothing
The Pretty Reckless - House On A Hill
The Killers - The Man
The Killers - Shot At The Night
Brandon Flowers  - Crossfire
Jay Z & Kanye West - No Church In The Wild
My Chemical Romance - Na Na Na Na
The Prodigy - The Day Is My Enemy
Indina Menzel - Let It Go
Billie Eilish - Bellyache
George Ezra - Blame It On Me
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know
The Black Keys - Lonely Boy
Marina & The Diamonds - Hollywood
Eminem ft Rihanna - Monster
Adele - Hello
Grace - You Don't Own Me
Beyonce - Formation
Alt J - Dissolve Me
30 Seconds To Mars - Closer To The Edge
30 Seconds To Mars - Hurricane

These are just a small selection of the amazing music that I've loved over the last decade. I'd love to know what music has rocked your world in the last 10 years or new music you're looking forward to. Drop me a comment on my Twitter or Facebook.

Love Jen
Lady GaGa - Telephone
Taylor Swift - Lover
The Killers - The Man

2019 In Music

2019 has been a bit of a quieter year in music for me, due to lack of funds I've not been able to invest in nearly as many songs and albums as I'dve liked (plus I still can't use Spotify). So here is a slightly shorter than normal guide to my favourite music of 2019.

Album of the year 

Bring Me The Horizon - Amo

I absolutely love this album, it's by far my favourite record by Bring Me The Horizon. It has a slightly more 'commercial' sound than their earlier music but I actually like that you can hear the lyrics to the songs more clearly. My favourite song on the album is Mother Tongue which is absolutely beautiful, there's also Mantra which although it was released as a single last year I'm including  in this review because it's such a great song. I'm really hoping to catch BMTH live at some point soon as I've only seen them once many years ago at Reading and it was actually on the strength of their live show that I got into them and brought up their entire back catalogue as soon as I was back! If you're into rock music then do yourselves a favour and give it a listen.

Runner up!

Taylor Swift - Lover

Before anyone says anything, yes this is a more unusual choice for me, but I'm not ashamed! I've liked Taylor's music ever since she moved away from her early country style music to pop. Her last album 'Reputation' was a darker, edgier affair whereas Lover feels like the joy after the storm. It's light and fluffy without becoming saccharine sweet with the occasional stinger of a lyric (see You Need To Calm Down) . My favourite song from the album is Lover which is a really sweet song. However if you only watch one video from this album then make it Me! (featuring Brendon Urie from Panic! At The Disco - if her music is good enough for him then it's good enough for me!) for the best use of a teeny, tiny kitten ever, alongside some incredibly over-dramatic and badly spoken French.

And now for my songs of the year (In no particular order)

Lil Nas X ft Billy Ray Cyrus - Old Town Road
George Ezra - Pretty Shiny People
Green Day - Father Of All ... & Fire Ready Aim
Billie Eilish - Bad Guy

As I said 2019 has been a little on the thin side for music but 2020 holds much more promise with new albums from Green Day and The Killers on the way (both pre-ordered obviously) and also upcoming gigs from them alongside Fallout Boy and Weezer (June  2020 is going to be very busy!).

Hopefully this time next year I'll be writing a blog enthusing about gigs and new albums. Also stay tuned for my upcoming 2010s in music blog.

Love Jen

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

This Is War


Have there been many more purposeful opening lyrics to an album? When I hit play on Dec 8th 2009 I was already anticipating something special from my favourite band 30 Seconds To Mars but what followed was something truly special. The album was This Is War and it changed my life.

I'd been a massive 30 Seconds To Mars fan since 2007 when I discovered their album A Beautiful Lie and subsequently their debut Thirty Seconds To Mars . After seeing them live (19 shows later they're still my favourite band to see) and witnessing their connection to their fans 'The Echelon' I was convinced they were a special band. I'd closely followed their battle with their record company over their contract and their refusal to back down and "Shut up and make a record" (I highly recommend checking out their documentary Artifact about their battle for creative control and also featuring the hunt for the 'perfect' Christmas tree). 

The first taste we got of the album was the release of it's first single "Kings and Queens". It's still my favourite song to this day. It was a breath of fresh air, soaring, beautiful and,well, perfect in every way. 

The album is one of light and shade, the 'darker' songs like "Night Of The Hunter", "Hurricane" and "Stranger In A Strange Land" give an insight into the effect of the lawsuit dropped on them by their record label. But there is still a beauty in these, Jared's lyrics (as always!) hit home and provide solace to those of us feeling the same way. 

Then there are the songs of pure joy "Kings and Queens", "Vox Populi" and the live favourite "Closer To The Edge" with lyrics about the "Defence of our dreams" and the never regretting "I will live my life". These songs still lift me no matter what kind of kicking my mental health is giving me. One of the standout tracks on the album is the haunting "Alibi". It begins almost fragile but builds to a defiant crescendo of "I fell apart but got back up again" reflecting my struggles at the time and search for hope. 

Of course the album's title track "This Is War" says it all, a defiant rallying cry for us all to stand up for ourselves and what we believe in. When I'm in an arena and 1000s of other Echelon are chanting "Fight, fight, fight" it still gives me goosebumps all these years later. 

I could write for hours about what "This Is War" means to me, the adventures I've had because of it, the people I've met and the light it has brought to me. I'll leave it here with a thank you from the bottom of my heart, for gifting us this masterpiece and giving hope to so many of us.

Whilst I am still fighting my war against myself I'm safe in the knowledge that I have the perfect soundtrack for it!

Thank you 30 Seconds To Mars.

Love Jen

PS If you haven't listened to the album then for the love of god get your butts in gear and give it a listen!!!

Monday, 2 December 2019

A Few Days In Vienna

Hi everyone as promised here's my blog about mine & Mum's holiday in Vienna last week. The aim of the trip was to take my mind off of the last few months and I can say definitively that for the few days we were away I was the most relaxed I've been in months.

To start with I need to apologise for any potential over-use of adjectives such as 'Beautiful' or 'Stunning' but there really are no other words to describe some of the sites that the city has to offer (perhaps I should ask Santa for a Thesaurus for Christmas?).

Vienna is of course famous for it's Christmas Markets and Mum and I made the deal that if I did the markets she would do the zoo (PANDAS! 🐼) but more on both of those later. As an aside, if you are planning a trip to Vienna then consider getting a Vienna Pass, it covers entry to loads of  attractions, Hop On Hop Off bus access and a ride of the Reisenrad. You save a huge amount of money on paying for all the attractions separately. I also recommend getting a travel pass to save buying a ticket every time you use the public transport - the pass covers the tube, tram and buses.

Being a massive plane geek one of the things I was most looking forward to from the trip was the flying, it's the ultimate in geek experience!

Far too excited about getting on a plane!
The flight is about 2 hours so plenty of time for me to have a nap ....

Now I can say I've seen The Alps!
From Vienna airport it's really easy to get into the city, we used the City Airport Train which takes you from the airport to the centre of the city in 16 minutes. Much like London the city itself is really easy to get around with a simple underground system as well as buses and a tram. Although the city centre is relatively small and you could walk between sights if you felt up to it (for example it was only a 10 minuteish walk from our hotel to the Museum Quarter).

We stayed at the Hotel Graf Stadion which is a basic but comfortable hotel. When I'm on holiday I don't plan on being in the hotel much so as long as it's clean, has an en suite and a comfortable bed then I'm happy. In this case the room ticked all those boxes, the room was large and came with free Wi-Fi - the only complaint was that the room was incredibly hot even without the radiator on. 

Our humble abode
I was also reminded that on the continent it's socially acceptable to eat cake for breakfast!
After checking into the hotel we went out to explore the vicinity. Our first stop was the cafe around the corner from our hotel to try the famous Sacher Torte, I can confirm that it's absolutely delicious! I also tried Melange,  a type of coffee which was equally deliciousWe were pleased to discover that one of the Christmas Markets was actually right on our doorstep. The Vienna Rathaus is the city hall and has one of the largest of the markets in it's grounds.

The Rathaus
A little on the pretty side!
From the Rathaus we were able to quickly walk to the market at Maria-Theresien-Platz the square is set between the Art History Museum and the Natural History Museum.

The Art History Museum
A pretty festive projection
It was here that we sampled our first (very potent) Vienna Christmas Punch. The different markets have a really clever system where you pay a 4 Euro 'deposit' on a mug that your drink is served in, you can then choose to take your mug with you to other markets to be filled/give it back at the end of the evening for the return of your Euros or to keep it. We chose to keep a lot of ours as they were all different to reflect the different themes of each market and were also horrendously Christmassy 😄. Hopefully it'll catch on here as it's far more environmentally friendly and avoids litter (whilst on that note we saw absolutely no litter at all the whole time we were there, it was amazing!).

Jameson's Orange Punch
We'd booked a table at the Hard Rock Cafe so that I could have my traditional Hurricane.

Hurricane O'Clock
Mum opted for a Sangria
We were near to the St Stephen's Cathedral so popped along for a look.

Tuesday was our most walking heavy day (according to my Huawei Watch we did approximately 21000 steps) which was lucky really with the amount of cake and coffee that we managed to consume over the course of the trip - I'm actually amazed that I haven't gained any weight!

We started off at the most important part of the trip the zoo! Anyone who knows me will know that my second favourite animal after bunnies are pandas and my aim in life is to own one and cuddle it every day. Well my friends I came close to this aim by seeing Pandas in real life!!!!! And I'm happy to confirm that they are incredibly fluffy in real life as well as incredibly lazy (there's a reason I consider them to be my spirit animal!).

Hello new friend!

There were loads of other cute and interesting animals in the zoo -

Red Panda

Simba in real life!


Beautiful purple Winterberries


Sumatran Rhino

This leopard has the most beautiful blue eyes

Monkeys with moustaches what more could you want?

Cheeky little Spider Monkey

Cheetah with some Autumn Colours

Ladies what lunch!
I love this Koala! He didn't even stir when we walked through 😁
Little baby elephant
To get to the zoo you walk through some of the grounds of the Schonbruun Palace (more of that later), this was the Orangery although we gave it a miss due to it's collection of Rattlesnakes ......

After the zoo we headed back into the city to visit the Art History Museum . Aside from the art it's a beautifully decorated building 

The entrance to the Egyptian section
As with all good museums it has a great gift shop and I was able to pick up some very reasonably priced souvenirs and Christmas presents.

Later in the day we headed to the Prater the amusement park which is home to the Reisenrad Ferris wheel. The wheel is made from railway carriages so you have plenty of space to move around to get the best views of the city and the Danube. Whilst we have a good view of the city at night I would recommend going during the day as I think you'd see more. 

I made a friend!
One of the other fairground rides

Mum on the Reisenrad 
I think the Votivkirche was my favourite church in the city
After our ride we went to the Christmas Market at the university. Unsurprisingly for a university campus there were plenty of different drinks on offer so we tried Amaretto Punch

Pretty lights at the market

We started Wednesday with a walk through the Museums Quarter stopping at the Papyrus Museum (unbelievable how 1000+ year old documents are still in readable condition) and my favourite museum of the trip The Albertina. Whilst the museum has the expected 'art' it also includes some of the state rooms from the Habsburg Monarchy who lived in the Hofburg Complex the museum forms part of.

The outside of the Hofberg 
We passed the Vienna Opera House on our travels

Beautiful Autumn colours outside The Albertina
I think this would look great in my room!
Best concealed toilet door ever?
When you're trying to take a selfie and a blurry man interrupts ...
The museum was having an exhibition by Albrecht Durer and I remembered that I'd studied his work during secondary school so I really enjoyed getting re-acquainted with some old favourites. Including this incredibly angry-looking rabbit ....

I cannot escape bunny disapproval ...
Look at the detail and colour in this drawing (no I don't mean Mum and I!)

I can also confirm that The Albertina has an excellent cafe (More Sacher Torte and Melange yum!) and a good gift shop (plenty of angry rabbit related souvenirs).

We spent the afternoon at the amazing Schloss Belvedere , one of the residences of the Habsburgs which is a UNESCO world heritage site. As well as the palace rooms and gardens there is also an art gallery featuring Gustav Klimt's 'The Kiss'.

Gates of The Belvedere
The decoration in the rooms takes your breath away -

The Belvedere also has a Christmas Market so it was time for more punch and of course more mugs ...

So pretty

Mum had Mulled Wine and I had Baileys Punch

We found time to stop off at the Stephansplatz Market on the way back to the hotel. 

Apple Punch

We tried the famous Wiener Schnitzel which it turns out is delicious!
For our final day we decided to be 'real tourists' and ride the Hop On/Hop Off bus around the city centre to see the sights that we just wouldn't have had time to see. We also realised in our rush the day before that we hadn't actually seen the front of the Hofburg Complex so jumped off to take a look.

Well worth the stop

We were delighted to discover that there was also a small market in the square in front. We had a 'Sisi' punch with had berry pieces in it.

We'd heard that the State Hall of the Austrian National Library was really pretty so we popped in. Wow was it worth it! The ceiling frescoes were absolutely amazing.

How anyone ever got any reading done with a view like this I'll never know!

Another Melange stop, this time with Apple Strudel accompaniment 

In the afternoon we went to the final, and biggest of Vienna's palaces the Schonbrunn  which was the Habsburg's summer palace. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take photos inside the palace but if you follow the previous link then you'll get an idea of what we saw. 

Luckily we did manage to photograph the gardens! 

Mum at the gate
The 'back garden'
Think I might move in!
Being us we found a cafe ...

Sacher Torte for me and Winter Cheesecake for Mum
Schonbrunn also has it's own Christmas Market 

Punch time!

The light has made it look like I have whiskers!

Stawberry & Lychee (with fruit pieces inside) for me and Berry for Mum.
We thought these were the prettiest mugs
We made one final visit to the Rathaus Market on the way back to our hotel. On reflection I think this was my favourite of the (many) markets we went to as it had the most variety of stalls . 

These are Maroni (roasted chestnuts) - bloody lovely
Our final punch (Gin and Apple - probably the nicest one)
Final photographic proof that I willingly took part in Christmas related activities!

Vienna is an absolutely beautiful city to visit, it was incredibly clean and we felt safe at all times. It wasn't particularly expensive (regular 'city prices') and of course you can make the trip cheaper by going to cafes 'round the corner' from attraction, staying in hotels 5/10 mins away from the same attractions or buying snacks at convenience stores etc. Whilst we focused on the historic side of things there are also loads of 'modern' attractions such as museums  and a lot of kid-friendly museums etc so, to use a cliche, there really is something for everyone. 

And yes even a certified Scrooge like me loved the Christmas Markets, they're so different from the tat sold at markets here, the decorations and lights are beautiful. If, like me, you aren't a fan of crowds then late November is probably the best time to go as you can wander around the stalls freely without feeling claustrophobic. The same goes from all the sights too - although the gardens weren't in 'full bloom' we didn't have to queue to get into anywhere (I get the impression that the palaces in particular have huge queues in peak season) and the relief from the constant rain in the UK was fantastic.

If you get the chance to go to Vienna then go for it! It's a beautiful city with lovely, helpful people and I can't wait to go back. 

Love Jen

A Strange & Unusual Day Out In London

  My year of Jen-themed exhibitions has continued! Hot on the heels of last month's trip to the Emo exhibition (blog  here ) Vana and I ...