Sunday, 25 November 2018

For Nat

Tomorrow marks the 10th anniversary of my friend Nat taking her life. I've written before about how much I miss her. Her's is a tragic story and I still carry the guilt that I couldn't do more for her every single day. 

I don't want the sadness and pain to be her memory so here I've selected some of my favourite photos of her, having fun with us all. Because at the end of the day she was a fun, loving person who enjoyed a good time (even if it involved necking snakebite on her way to therapy sessions!) and I think these pictures reflect just that.

This is probably one of my favorite photos, Nat hated having her photo taken but I caught her unawares here *mwahahahaha*

My 15th Birthday, a World Cup theme was evident .... (L-R Nat, Lydia, Me & Hilary)
Prom Dates
Pre-prom photos in Luke's garden
With a friend (We're both suckers for cuddly toys)
A sleepover we had for her 16th Birthday
Cuppa Tea? (L-R Nat, Alli, Kim & Luke)
Our last day at school, finally escaping hell!
So damn classy at my 16th
Nat was always very proud of being almost a year older than us and when she turned 18 she insisted that her drinks that evening were documented ..

Not pictured is the absolutely rank Bloody Mary that she insisted I try before she ordered one!

My 18th Birthday (Nat, Me, Mirela & Hilary)

One of the many times she very kindly allowed herself to be dragged to Airbourne
A trip to the cinema with Hilary & Lydia
All the fun of the fair! (Lydia, Hilary, Nat & Chris)
A trip to Brighton with Nat and Lydia
Chocolate Heaven at my 19th birthday (L-R Chris, Nat, Me, Mirela, Hilary & Lydia)
Nom, Nom Nom
Nat, Me & Lou at Via
With her beloved rabbits (Esme lives in the hutch that Nat owned)
NYE 2006 (Nat, Hilary & Tone)
Picnic time
Fancy Dress (She wanted to go as Avril Lavigne so I grunged her up to the best of my ability!)
As with her 18th Nat was also excited to be the first to turn 21!


We had a couple of really fun trips to Thorpe Park -

Friends who pull odd faces together ....
Holly, Dan & Nat
Post-water slide
Milkshakes at Via (Me, Nat & Lou)
Ladies night (Hilary, Me, Lydia, Alicia & Nat)
The Gilly! (Alli, Nat & Luke)
Nat, Alli & Me
Me, Lydia, Alli & Nat
Lou, Kayleigh & Nat at Lydia & Hilary's 21st
Luke, Nat & Hilary
Us at Lydia & Hilary's 21st

I don't even want to guess what's being ingested here ...
Ready to go out

Wetherspoons (where else?)
Another Airbourne photo (2007 I think)
Post-Saturday shopping feast
Happy Halloween 2008! (Lydia, Nat & Alli)
The last time I saw Nat was at her 22nd Birthday party, it was a fancy dress theme and she looked beautiful as always. Sadly she took her life just a few days later. I'm so glad that my final memories of her were us all celebrating her birthday and laughing together. 

Alli & Nat
A pirate & a goth walked into the party ....
Nat, Lydia, Me & Hilary
Opening pressies
Nat my darling I miss you so much and I know you're at peace and happy cuddling all those animals at the Rainbow Bridge (you may even have bumped into Kay!). Until I see you again I'll miss you so much but remember all the fun times we've had. 

I think I'll sign off with this picture - 

I love this photo

Love Jen

1 comment:

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